Flasbacks and an Easy Task

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Souhei stood be side Hikaru and Kurmori as they got stuck doing morning drills. Michiyo hadw came into their rooms early that morning and drug them out of bed and forced them onto the baseball field. Souhei glared at Alex who was working with Michiyo. It bothered Souhei a little that Alex wasn't hanging out with them anymore. But, since Alex returned from his trio with Michiyo Alex had changed. He had quit the community league, and stopped playing with Hikaru and the others. Souhei guessed that Alex felt his eyes on him, because he looked over at Souhei, the two had a staring contest, and Souhei thought he was going to win until a voice snapped him out of his concentration:

"Souhei stop stooping down to their level."

Souhei easily knew who that voice belong to and that person would be Hikaru, Souhei quickly looked down at Hikaru.

"It doesn't bother you that Alex isn't playing with us anymore?"Kurmori asked while playing in the dirt

Souhei waited patiently for Hikaru's response. Hikaru took a deep breath then replied:
"Its's true it does bother me that Alex isn't playing with us. However we're all free to chose our own paths. Why can't force him to stay if he doesn't want to."

Kurmori acknowledged Hikaru's answer then went back to playing in the dirt. Souhei looked back out to the felid. It was then an image of a person flashed in his mind.

'Who the heck was that?'Souhei wondered

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It was 10:30 that morning when a figure walked out of Newark Liberty International airport. The person had long black hair and she seemed to be very comfortable in the business of New York. She walked outside and pushed her sung glasses on her head. The woman pulled her suit case behind her as she hailed for a taxi. When she finally got a taxi she instructed the driver to head to an address that was on her phone.


Souhei walked down the street. Everyone had filled out of the rental house after. Hikaru said she was going to take a nap. As Souhei was walking down the street a taxi passed him. He didn't think anything about it until he was kicked in the back. Sounds almost fell to the ground, but caught himself at the last moment. He quickly turned around in rage, but his rage soon changed into shock when he saw the people standing there. He saw Alex, Michiyo, and a woman with long black hair and a suitcase. Souhei felt dread rise in his stomach as he started to look at the last person.

"Sis!"Souhei cried

"You little brat!" Souhei's sister cried

Souhei didn't have time to react before his sister grabbed him into a head lock. Alex started to rub his neck and head in sympathy for his friend.

"Poor SoSo, but better him than me I always say."Alex said

Michiyo sighed as she watched souhei's sister, Kaori, grab her brother in the Boston Crab hold.

"Oh, should I stop them?"michiyo asked out loud

Alex was quickly giggling to himself, but he was able to reply:

"No, let's see how far his body can bend."

Michiyo sighed at her best friend's stupidity, she then rolled herself over to her friends.

"Kaori as good as it to see you and your brother making up for lost time, if you keep it up Souhei's wounds won't heal properly."

Kaori dropped her brother on the ground then turned to his two friends.

"Alright michiyo, now where is this Hikaru kid?"kaori asked

Souhei was thankful to be let lose out of his sisters hold, but hearing hikaru's name in his sister's conversation made him worried. Souhei had a bad feeling that he knew Kaori would go into the rental house where the SLEEPING Hikaru was and everyone knew what would happen if Hikaru was awaken. Souhei quickly got up and ran over to his sister.

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