The Last Goodbye.....

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LEAVE ME SOME COMMENTS!!!!!!!!! I want to hear from you guys to hear your likes and dislikes have helped me make the other Sawamura and stealing home as they are and will be in the future. You guys play a big part in my writing process. I literally read every comment on the last chapter I posted before writing the next one. All your opinions and ideas are taken and written in my notebook dedicated for Hikaru Sawamura and anything that has to do with her.

It was 5:30 the next morning and the kids were exhausted. None of them could get any real sound sleep. Hikaru stood listing to her beats leaning against Alex who was squatting on the ground. Souhei sat beside Michiyo who nervously played with her hands. Kurmori was talking and didn't realize that no one was really listing to him. Alex, well he was drawing in the sand. At 5:45 Kirijo and Aya walked up.

"Hey kids sorry were late."Aya said

"Sorry my butt."Hikaru mumbled

"Alright let's get started practicing. Michiyo you are going to go right here."Kirijo said placing his daughter in a red wagon. Kirijo then tied ropes around Hikaru's , Souhei's , Kurmori's , and Alex's waist. The four kids were confused, and then Kirijo replied:

"Okay here is your first level of practice."

Alex pulled on the rope which jerked Michiyo forward.

"You are to run the map I send Michiyo..."Kirijo said

"For how long?"Kurmori asked

"Do you really wanna know?"Kirijo asked

"Yeah."Kurmori asked

"Until I say so, or until you can't run anymore...which ever comes first."Kojiro said

The three actual baseball players paled. They knew Kurmori would pass out before any of when he did they would just be carrying his dead weight.

"DAD!"Michiyo said

"You guys wanted to become stronger and here is the first step I'm giving you, what is your choice?"Kirijo asked

With that said Hikaru, Alex, and Souhei took off. Kurmori realized what they had done and quickly ran to catch up with his teammates. Michiyo sat in the red wagon confused.

'Why are you all trying so hard all of a sudden?'Michiyo wondered


Three hours into running Kurmori started to feel didn't help that they were running up and down hills, also making sharp turns. The heat was hitting record highs also, and poor Kurmori wasn't built for all this running yet. It also didn't help that it was still early morning and the temperature was already hitting 94...and the asphalt was only adding to the temperature.

"H-h-how a-a-ar-are y-y-yo-you g-g-"Kurmori tired

"How are we still running?"Hikaru asked breathing a little heavy

Kurmori nodded,

"We are pacing ourselves and slowing ourselves down to keep up with your pace is helping us a lot."Souhei replied coldly

Michiyo couldn't believe the coldness is Souhei's voice.

"Guys it's not that bad. I'm sure dad will let you guys be finished after this lap."Michiyo replied

Although she was proved wrong when they past the starting point and Kirijo was not there to tell them to stop. Hikaru had enough she turned to Kurmori and said:

"Get in the wagon with Michiyo. Maybe if we make some good time it will show him we are ready...Also if you pass out I'm not dragging you along."

Kurmori nodded and climbed into the wagon with Michiyo. The two then noticed that Hikaru, Souhei, and Alex picked up speed.

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