My Path.....

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Hey guys:) Here is a new post:) Hope you like it:) Can't wait to hear from all of you!

After quick showers Hikaru, Tetsumi, and Michiyo started cooking for the boys. Tetsumi watched in amazement as Hikaru and Michiyo took care of the cooking. Tetsumi claimed to cook something which kind of worried Hikaru. The three girls worked hard and was able to get the whole meal cooked when the boys walked in.

Later that evening everyone was sitting down eating and having a good time. Everyone was laughing.

"Remember Zono's face right then?" Tojo asked laughing

"You're so uneliable." A second year said

"SHUT UP!"Zono cried

"You hit big, but got easily taken out at third!" Alex cried

"I'm surprised you actually hit." Another second year said

Everyone had now finished eating and was starting to look at the desert. Hikaru sighed from her spot at the table, that was something Tetsumi couldn't make no matter how hard she tried. Hikaru was lucky enough and was able to make a replica of what Tetsumi had made....or at least tried to....

"Who made this??"Eijun asked poking at the desert

Hikaru wanted to whack Eijun upside the head. Tetsumi smiled sadly and placed her hands behind her back.

"It's not really good is it?" She asked smiling sadly

About that time Hikaru and Michiyo noticed a certain loud second year start to dig into the desert.

"It's good Yamaoto. If these idiots don't like it I'll eat it." He said

Hikaru smirked, and nodded with Michiyo. The two girls sneaked around and changed out Tetsumi's cake with the one they had made. A little later Micihyo had asked Tetsumi for some help with her uniform which made the two girls leave. Once they were out of sight Kuramochi let his head fall onto the talbe.

"My stomach doesn't feel good." Kuramochi said

Kuramochi heard a something be set on the table where he was sitting.

"Here drink this it will calm your stomach." A voice said

Kuramochi looked up to see Hikaru sitting down. With Miyuki on Hikaru's right and Kawakami on Kuramochi left. Alex and Souhei sat beside Kawakami.

"Why did you eat that? It smelt foul!" Alex asked holding his nose with his fingers for emphasis

Kuramochi took the sprite and took a chug of it.

"Her hands..." Kuramochi started

"Her hands?" Kawakami asked

"She hid them quickly and easily." Kuramochi replied

"You noticed?" Hikaru asked

"Yeah, her hands were covered with cuts and band aids...after seeing her hands like that and knowing how much work she puts in to help us....I couldn't just sit there and do nothing." Kuramochi replied

Hikaru and Miyuki shared a smile.

"Kuramochi's in love!" the two chimed looking at the second baseman/ shortstop with grins that annoyed Kuramochi greatly

Kuramochi spit out his Sprite all over Souhei and Alex.

"HEY!" The two chimed


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