Welcome To America

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Hey you guys Hikaru Sawamura is back...Sorry about the crappiness of this Chapter...I was hesitant to post anything from Hikaru's stay in America, but I thought it would be interesting to see what Hikaru gets herself into while in America...anyways, here ya go. Leave some comments and tell me what you guys think.

For Hikaru leaving Japan was one of the toughest things she had ever done. Hikaru had got lucky and Yuuta had gotten them first class seats. Here Hikaru could prop up her leg and thankfully the swelling had went down at least two centimeters, but Keigo said for her knee to go back to normal it would have to go down at least 23 more centimeters before her knee was normal again. A painful thirteen hours later the two finally landed in New York. Hikaru was given her backpack and she stood up and got onto her crutches.

"I got a hold of Dr. Howard. He said that he was going to do your surgery four hours after you get into New York."Yuuta said

"Wow, no time for sightseeing hu?"Hikaru asked

Yuuta sighed, then handed the girl a red device.

"Here it's from Tetsumi...she got your numbers saved and everything."Yuuta said "Since your last one ended up getting smashed against a wall."

Hikaru took the cell phone from Yuuta and looked at the paper crane keychain with a baseball on it.

"Well let's get this show on the road."Hikaru said griping the new cell phone

Yuuta and Hikaru went to the baggage claim and got their bags. The two then went to the hospital here Hikaru was given a room and a gown to wear. Hikaru slipped in it and Yuuta went to get back to his dorm. Hikaru glanced at her phone then she picked it up and dialed a number.


It was 11 at night and Sawamura Eijun could not sleep. He was too worried about his sibling. About that time his cell phone rang. He bounced on it like a cat would a ball of yarn.

"Hello?!"Eijun cried

"Brother! Go outside!"the other voice cried

Eijun ran to the door slipped on his shoes then ran outside. He ran down to the dugout and sat in it.

"Hikaru did you make it to New York?"Eijun asked

"Yeah, I made it and I'm already checked into my hospital room. My sugary is in four hours."Hikaru said

"So soon?"Eijun asked

"Yeah, I hate to admit it, but I'm kinda nervous...I mean my whole baseball career lies with this doctor."

"Hikaru everything will turn out good, I mean you're the luckiest person I've ever met."

"I just wish I wasn't here by myself...I never realized how I always had you or someone by my side and now I don't have anyone."

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