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Hey guys:) I made this chapter super long because its been a while since I've posted last...anyways....leave comments and I hope you like this chapter:)

The Seido regulars sat in the lunchroom waiting for Nabe and Tetsumi to get back. Michiyo sat quietly beside Souhei. She didn't like the sound that Inashiro lost....because Inashiro was supposed to have Kurmori...if they lost, then what happened to Kurmori? Everyone looked to see Nabe and Tetsumi there.

"I'm back." Nabe said walking into the room "You guys wanna watch it now?"

"Yeah let's do it." Kuramochi replied

"Welcome back, Nabe-Senpai." Hikaru replied

"What did you think watching it in person?" Miyuki asked "How was Ugumori as a team?"

"Well....It may seem like Inashiro didn't play their best, but Ugumori made it to the summer round of sixteen in the summer-"

Eijun stood up, slammed his hand on the table, and said:

"I'm sorry! Did they really get a hit off of Narumiya-San and win?"

"Don't jump to conclusions, Eijun." Kanemaru said "Let's just watch the video. We're surprised, too."

Hikaru noticed every time someone mentioned Ugumori Tetsumi would flinch. This bothered Hikaru, so she decided to speak up. She could find out about Ugumori later...after all she didn't need as much time to analyze the opponent's team, like she used to.

"Tetsumi." Hikaru said seriously

Everyone in the room froze...Tetsumi flinched again, but didn't say anything. This really bothered Hikaru. Souhei and Alex noticed Hikaru's anger. Michiyo became worried, she was worried Hikaru's titan side was going to slip out. When Hikaru didn't get an answer from Tetsumi she turned to Nabe.

"Nabe-Senpai...."Hikaru started standing up from her seat

Tetsumi quickly ran over and tackled Hikaru back into her chair.

"I'll tell you later, just don't get mad!" Tetsumi cried

Hikaru sighed then nodded. Hikaru let Tetsumi have her chair, while she moved to sit in-between Souhei and Alex.

"Now that the anger has slowly died down let's get back to the problem at hand." Souhei said

"Right I wanna know more of this so called Mei getting a hit off of him..."Alex replied

"Narumiya-san didn't look too bad, "Tetsumi started "But it looked like the battery wasn't agreeing on the signs."

About that time Eijun pushed Souhei and Hikaru away from each other and said:

"This is absurd! How dare they lose before I could pay them back for summer?"

Hikaru sighed then punched her brother.

"Sit down idiot." Hikaru said

Everyone looked at Hikaru....who was gripping her knee tightly

"You're not the only one that's mad....we all wanted to face Inashiro again....we all had built up anger against Inashiro from the summer...but Ugumori has come now...If you really wanna get Inashiro back, we need to crush the team that beat them." Hikaru said

"BUT HIKARU!" Eijun cried

"Eijun, your brother is right...sit down and shut up....also forget the team that lost, think about the next opponent. You need to change your attitude."

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