A Punch Of Life

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Last night I had a dream. It was a sad dream, it was about a boy. This boy was playing baseball with his team...I couldn't see the teammates faces or the boys...but from the way they interacted with each other I could tell they were a close team....almost family...They practiced hard and stayed later then anyone I have seen....Every challenged they faced head on, and never did their fighting spirit waver. when they would win a game they would celebrate for a few minutes, and then get straight back to work. I watched as the more games they played with each other the closer they got. However, their last game from their dream of the championships the boy threw a dead pitch. Why you may wonder because the boy was worried about a teammate that had prior to the pitch been rushed to the hospital for an injury. I felt sorry for the boy and his team....I didn't understand why my heart went out for these baseball loving boys...but for some reason I felt a connection with them.......


Since finding Hikaru on the ground last night in the park Hikaru had started to avoid Michiyo, Souhei, Alex, and Kurmori. In truth it bothered the named individuals. Souhei, Alex, and Michiyo missed Hikaru greatly. They missed the smart comments Hikaru brought to any conversation. They missed how Hikaru never sat his beats down for long periods of time...they missed how everyday after school and after practice Hikaru would talk them into going and getting a milkshake. They just missed the milkshake addicted, beat hoarer Sawamura kid in general.

Hikaru had found herself to become invisible to the others. She didn't want them to see her. Why you may ask...well that is because she couldn't control her emotions...she was mad for some reason that was unknown to her...She pitted the person who would get on her bad side....but even though Hikaru wanted to be alone one person always seemed to be able to find her. That person was none other than Kurmori. No matter where Hikaru went and for how long Kurmori was always there. He never talked unless he thought it was absolutely necessary. Kurmori would just sit playing his hand held video game while Hikaru either slept, listened to her beats, or drunk a milkshake. Thanks to hiding from everyone Hikaru had found a spot under a bridge that no one could really see unless they were looking for the spot exactly. Here Kurmori and her would go and spend their time. Which is where they found themselves today.


Souhei, Alex, and Kaori ran back to Michiyo who was stationed in the middle of a park.

"Any luck?" Michiyo asked

"No luck." Kaori replied breathing heavily

"I couldn't find her anywhere!" Souhei replied

"Ruru is like a kitty. It will be hard to find him unless RuRu wants to be found. "Alex replied

"We have to find Hikaru!"Kaori cried

Souhei looked at his sister with a confused and shocked look.

"sis your attitude towards Hikaru has greatly changed in a night."Souhei replied

Kaori smiled then looked at the ground.

"Michiyo told me Hikaru's story last night...After hearing it I feel bad about what I said to him and I want to make it right." Kaori said

The three teens looked at Kaori shocked, but they smiled.

"I'm gonna keep looking!" Souhei said then he spun on his heels and took off

Alex watched his friend take off then shouted:

"HEY SOSO! Wait for me!!!!"

Alex quickly followed behind Souhei.

"Let's go to!" Michiyo said

"Of course!" Kaori chimed

The two girls took off in a different direction hoping to look for their missing members.

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