The Return

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Souhei walked out of school with Tetsumi and Eijun. The three had became good friends since Souhei had stepped foot into the classroom. Souhei smiled slightly he knew the two were trying to figure out how to ask if Souhei knew Hikaru or not.

"So you came from New York?"Tetsumi asked

Souhei nodded then replied:

"You're on the baseball team also right Eijun?"

Eijun smiled sadly then replied:

"Yeah, but i'm kinda in a rut."

Souhei watched Eijun closely,

'So you know you have a problem right now....and I bet your working towards fixing it hu?'Souhei thought

Souhei walked with the two to the baseball field. Once they made it there Souhei bid the two goodbye then went to talk to Kataoka.


Souhei knocked on the door and went into the room when he heard the gruff reply to come in. When he walked in Souhei realized what Hikaru had meant when Hikaru said that he respected Kataoka. As soon as Souhei stepped into the room he felt the coaches commanding aura around him....Souhei felt himself unsure with how to talk to this man.

"Who are you?" Coach Kataoka asked

"I'm Souhei Yamazaki, I transferred here from New York...Hikaru sent me here to see you." Souhei said

"Hikaru, how is he?" Coach Kataoka asked

"He's fine...he should be here soon...He would have to stop by the principal's office. I want to join your team if that's fine with you." Souhei said

"That's fine, go and get ready for practice." Coach Kataoka said

Souhei nodded then bowed to Kataoka and left. Kataoka watched Souhei leave and head to change his school uniform for his baseball uniform.


Practice had been going on for a while and Souhei had seemed to catch a couple of people's attention. Eijun watched the boy carefully. For some reason the presence of Souhei bothered Eijun completely. He didn't know what it was or if it was anything important but he knew it was something.....He guessed Miyuki, Kawakami, Shirasu, Shinchi, Haruichi, and Furuya noticed him being bothered because they walked over to him.

"You okay Ei-chan?" Haruichi asked

"I'm not sure..." Eijun replied

"Why are you being weirder than usual?" Kuramochi asked

"Is it because he's from New York." Tetsumi said walking up

"New York?" Miyuki asked slowly piecing together why Eijun was so bothered

Kawakami looked over at Souhei to see him practicing in center field.

"He seems to be comfortable on the field." Kawakami said

Kuramochi became angry, he didn't like how this Souhei kid just showed up and started playing like he owned the field....especially since that spot was Jun's.


A boy walked through Seido's campus. He was supposed to be with two other people....but he got side tracked.....he knew he was going to get yelled at for it, but he couldn't help it....He reached into his plastic bag and pulled out another strawberry milk box. He thought while he was wondering around he could track down his good friend....he followed the shouts and couple of yells to Seido's baseball fields. Here the boy sipped his strawberry milk and watched Seido's practice...His eyes scanned over the truth the batters suck. The boy let his eyes go onto the pitchers, the bored him to....however, when he found the fielders he became interested.....

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