Meanwhile on the home front

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hey guys quick author note that is important! @Elvithian wrote some awesome one-shots with Hikaru in them....They literally made me so happy to read them:) Check them out.


Leave me some comments on how you think of this chaper and what you think  I've been really worried about this chapter, but I hope you guys like it:)


While Hikaru was in America working on getting back to 100% Eijun had his own problems.

Eijun sat in class thinking about his sister. He knew he shouldn't be worried since Hikaru was 100% capable of taking care of herself and even if she couldn't Yuuta would do everything in his power to protect her...Eijun picked up his book and started to read. He had slowly but steadily almost finished his sister's library she had left in boxes in his room. For some reason Eijun thought going through his sister's personal belongings would make him miss her less. In a sense it had because he had found her secret collection of books, which is what he has started reading now...He started to listen to the whispers circling around him.

"Did you hear?"


"We have a transfer student."

"No way this late in the term?"

"Yeah...I heard the transfer student came from a special school in Okinawa."

"Eijun is reading?"

"No way is he sick or something?"

Eijun sighed as he turned the page in his book. Eijun then judge his pages left.

'Urg. If I keep reading like this I'll be finished with this book by second period.' Eijun thought

About that time the teacher walked in. Behind Eijun it was a rush of students hurrying to their seats. Eijun wished for once he could reach into his backpack and pull out his headphones and ipod...He had to admit his sister was smart with her love for the items.

"As you all might have already heard we have a transfer student joining us."The homeroom teacher said

Someone behind Eijun raised their hand and asked:

"Why is this transfer student coming so late?"

"I'm not really sure myself." the teacher replied..."Anyways come on in."

Eijun soon found himself zoning out...about that time he heard someone clean their throat...He looked up and was shocked to see who it was. Eijun rested his hand on his head and said:

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