Alex Gray

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Name: Alex Gray

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Birthday: November 24

Looks:  Alex has longer black hair then Souhei. He always plays with his fringe. He is a little bit shorter than Souhei.  Alex doesn't really tan easily so his skin is a nice ivory color. Alex has very curious blue eyes and always has a smile on his face. He rarely wears anything dressy, since he believes dress clothes are evil.

Height: 5'6

Personality: Alex loves giving the people he calls his friends nicknames. Alex is very interested in baseball and can tell you any information on any player. Alex is very lazy and likes to ask questions. Alex has a weird obsession with Strawberry milk and Strawberries. Alex is very friendly and always has a smile on his face. He is very easy to get along with and will tell you anything if you ask him. Alex is very protective over his friends. You never want to get Alex mad...Alex and Michiyo are always by each other since they have known each other the longest. Alex isn't very good in school, but he is able to make enough to get by.  Alex also like little animals. Alex's family owns a ski lodge on his dad's side and his mom is an actor. Alex, like Souhei, hates people who are overly proud about their gifts.  Alex like Souhei and Hikaru can speak Japanese, English (Of course) and Korean. He finds himself listening to the same music as Hikaru, because he is always trying to get Hikaru to find him something to do.

Likes: Strawberry Milk, any type of food, baseball, friends, little animals, making nicknames for people, and teasing Hikaru

Dislikes: School, Classrooms, teachers, loud people, people who are overly excited about something, and long speeches

Position: Third base

People Alex likes: Hikaru,  Michiyo, Souhei, and Yuuta

People who scare Alex: Kaori Yamazaki

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