The Fall Tournament

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Hope you guys like this chapter...I can't wait to see what you guys think...

Hikaru stood with Kuramochi as the two looked over the bracket Miyuki had selected. Zono, Shirasu, and Shinchi looked at another copy of the bracket.

"Our first opponent is Teito?" Zono asked

Everyone felt dread in their systems as they looked at the bracket and then back at their captain.

"We're in the worst possible bracket!" Kuramochi said

"Your luck at drawing is so unreliable."Hikaru said

Miyuki laughed slightly then said:

"It's more fun right?!"

"HAHA!" Kuramochi started laughing flakily

"IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Hikaru and Kuramochi finished


Eijun, Souhei, Furuya, Haruichi, and Alex who were carrying equipment to the field stopped when they heard Kuramochi and Hikaru yelling at someone. The five looked at each other confused. They wondered who was feeling the wrath of the two new Co-Captains.

"I pity who angered them." Alex said

Souhei nodded,

"We need to get going before Michiyo-san come and look for us." Haruichi said

"I also pity who will be on her bad side." Eijun said

The other four boys nodded and ran with their equipment to the field.


Later that night Miyuki had called all the upper classmen, Furuya, and Tetsumi into the lunchroom. He had decided to let the upper classmen and Furuya see what their next opponent looked like. Coach Kataoka had heard about their meeting and decided to join in their meeting. Tetsumi stood in front of the upper classmen. She had a TV showing the group Teito's players. She had a notebook opened.

"They've been to nationals twenty-one times, and they won twice." Tetsumi said

Hikaru, Kuramochi, and Zono stood by each other and watched the screen closely. Kuramochi and Hikaru dreaded the next match both knew the team was injured and needed time to heal.

"They do so well every year that it's strange not to see them at nationals." Tetsumi said looking up from her notebook

The group watched as Teito's catcher came onto the screen.

"Captain and catcher, Kengo Inui, hits hard and throws hard." Tetsumi said

Kengo left and a boy with short black hair and his tongue sticking out appeared.

"Taiyo Mukai pitched at nationals as a first-year. These two started at nationals and led the team."

"I head they got the team to the round of 16." Hikaru said

Tetsumi nodded then replied:


"They have a second-year who can throw at 87 mph, but Taiyo is probably their real ace." Miyuki said

"He's southpaw sidearm, and his best pitch is the screwball." Kuramochi said

"Not only that, but something about the way Kengo calls his pitches bothers me." Hikaru replied sticking her hands in her pockets

Tetsumi paused the video of Taiyo pitching.

"It's not a common pitch so it might be problematic." Shirasu said

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