Losing Ourselves

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There is only six more chapters of part one of Stealing Home, part two will be in Tokyo at Seido so please bear with me for a little longer. Want quicker chapters Leave some comments:)
Four days into the training camp and Kirijo had the group a present. He handed them their gifts. The group opened them to see that it was sweat bands. A little while later Hikaru, Alex, Souhei, and Kurmori were running their six hours when Michiyo noticed something...there wasn't the normal banter between Souhei and Hikaru. Today Michiyo was forced to be near her father. As the group of four passed Michiyo she noticed that they were breathing easily and actually looked bored.

"Why am I here by you today?"Michiyo asked

"I gave them extra weights in those sweatbands I gave them earlier..."Kirijo said with a smirk

This smirk didn't go unnoticed by his daughter.

"Dad, why are you smirking?"She asked

"They've evolved faster than I could have ever imagined. It won't be long before they are fully fledge titans."Kirijo replied

Michiyo looked at her father, and then looked at the direction her friends ran. She couldn't help but have a worry expression on her face.


Later that evening Hikaru, Souhei, and Kurmori were walking to the hotel where Kirijo was staying to pick up some equipment he left.

"Che. The old guy could have done this himself."Souhei said

Hikaru didn't reply, thanks to the signature beats on Hikaru's ears.

"Let's just get this done already."Kurmori replied

Hikaru and Souhei didn't reply, which there wasn't any real need to. They were almost to the hotel when the three ran into a group of 4 men. Kurmori and Souhei ignored them, but Hikaru heard them bragging about their baseball skills. Kurmori noticed Hikaru wasn't falling them, so he turned around and went back to get Hikaru.

"What are you doing?"Kurmori asked

Souhei walked back to Hikaru confused at why Hikaru had stopped walking. Hikaru nodded his head in the direction of the men. Kurmori and Souhei now started to listen to them.

"Idiots" Souhei replied

"You took the words right out of my mouth."Hikaru replied with a laugh

The two started back walking but this time Kurmori decided to take action.

"Hey you idiots really think you can baseball?"Kurmori shouted

The men stopped walking and turned to Kurmori. The men were angry to see a high school freshman smirking at them.

"What do you mean brat?"The leader or at least Kurmori guessed it was, said

"I was just wondering since you guys brag about your amazing baseball skills...however, I could take you on and beat you!"Kurmori replied

"Who do you think you are brat?"One of the men asked picking Kurmori up by the collar of his shirt lifting Kurmori off the ground

About that time a hand shot out and grabbed the wrist of the man who held Kurmori. The man grunted in pain as the hand gripped down on his wrist, this in turn made the man loosen his grip on Kurmori. Kurmori fell to the ground and looked to see an aggravated Hikaru glaring at the man and holding his wrist. An angry Souhei stood behind Hikaru...to Kurmori it looked like Souhei was ready to move at anything that moved.

"Wait," The leader said "Let's settle this in a baseball game, us four against you three and call a friend."

Hikaru let go of the man's wrist, then Hikaru smirked and replied:

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