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Thought I would post a new Chapter since I gave you guys some information about the three new characters...How do you guys like them? DO you hate them? Leave your input in the comments.

Hikaru sat in her American classroom it was finally Friday and she couldn't be happier. She had decided it would be less trouble to go to her new High school as a boy in case anyone came to Japan looking for her...That would be hard to explain and she really didn't feel like letting anyone have that much power over her. While waiting for class to being Hikaru really couldn't help but think of all the things that had happened up to now. It had been five weeks since her surgery and her knee had taken to it like a moth to flame. The strength was slowly coming back to her knee...but she still couldn't play like she use to. With her surgery being over she was forced to move out of the hospital. Since Yuuta lived in a dorm she couldn't stay with him. So he found her a place to stay with a foster family. This foster family was the Blackwell's. Mr. Blackwell was a brain surgeon who seemed to like talking to Hikaru and getting her view point on things. While Mrs. Blackwell was a pharmacist, Mrs. Blackwell made sure Hikaru took her medicine and made sure to take care of Hikaru like a mother would. With this new family Hikaru gained two new siblings an eight year old named Keith and a five year old named Amy. These two kids loved Hikaru and slowly started to find them being pulled into the world of baseball like their new older sister.

As for therapy Hikaru started Wednesday. She hated to say it, but therapy sucked. She didn't know how Chris was able to put up with it for so long. She didn't think moving her muscles around like she was would hurt her as bad as it was.

As for school Hikaru easily made good grades since what they were learning in America, she had already learned in Japan. She was sadly top of her class which made Hikaru stand out, which she really didn't want to in the first place. Hikaru had only made three friend and one was a girl named Michiyo Inoue. The two became friends after Michiyo asked Hikaru why Hikaru was a girl dressing as a boy. Michiyo is in a wheel chair and doesn't have a lot of friends because it seems like to Michiyo they are only staring at her chair, but Michiyo said that it seems like Hikaru is staring at her like a person.  Hikaru admitted to liking the girl's blunt Hikaru it fit well with her sarcastic nature. Hikaru's second friend was a boy named Souhei Yamazaki and the third friend was a boy by the name of Alex Gray. The two boys were in the same therapy program as Hikaru. Souhei had gained a shoulder and hip injury while Alex had gained a wrist injury.  The man over the three therapy is none other than Kirijo Inoue, Michiyo's father.

Hikaru reached into her pants pocket and pulled out her cell phone she found herself rereading her brother's eight page text that he had sent her. In her brother's text he started it with the information he thought was the most important...that information was.... that Miyuki was now the captain and Kuramochi the co-captain. It also went on to say that the coach said that if Miyuki and Kuramochi were not able to do their job then he would get people who could....This shocked Hikaru, but as she kept reading she became worried. She read that her brother couldn't pitch to the inside and thus being kicked off the mound. Coach Kataoka in turn had told Eijun to run around an unused practice field all practice. She also learned from her brother that Kawakami was in a rut also. Hikaru figured that he was taking the full blame for Seido losing....Eijun went on to say that Furuya had became the Ace and the first year seemed to have changed because of it. Eijun then said something that shocked Hikaru greatly...Taichi had been offered an early graduation...this meant he wouldn't finish out his third year, but go straight into college and work.  Eijun told Hikaru that Taichi had taken it and was leaving Saturday....He also said there was a new kid in his class. At first Hikaru had wondered who that kid was, but as she read on she became shocked to read that kid was actually shocked her even more that she had joined the baseball team, as a medical examiner....well the more Hikaru thought about it Seido really did need one of them....first there was Chris, then Tanba, then her, then her again...ah, yeah Seido needed a medical examiner. 

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