The Cold Rain

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Hey you guys new chapter:)  I hope you guys like this chapter and leave some comments:) A lot of comments make me write faster:) Above is a random picture I found that I found  Of Souhei and Hikaru, I will show Hikaru's new Titan look in the next chapter...

The crowds were now raring and cheering for their teams. No one could wait for the game to begin...with the hyped excitement the first game of the fall season began, and when the game began so did the rain.... Kaori Yamazaki, a reporter in training from America, walked into the stadium with her Senpai. The two sat down and Kaori used this time to look around.

"This is only the first round...So why are there so many people out in this rain?" Kaori asked

Her Senpai looked at her and replied:

"It's not surprising. It's a game you can't watch in the summer tournament." Her Senpai said "Top teams from the East and West are playing."

'What are you four going to do little brother?' Kaori wondered


It was the first inning and Seido stood on the field. Miyuki squatted behind the plate waiting for Furuya to throw the ball. Zono stood on first base hoping to make the upper classmen proud. On second base stood Kuramochi Youichi his smirk only grew as he heard the crowd starting to cheer. Haruichi stood next to him, his heart pounding, but he was focused. Alex Grey stood on third base looking at the Teito dug out...Shirasu stood behind Alex. Shirasu wondered why Alex was giving the Teito players glares. Souhei stood in the center. He sighed as the rain pelted onto his uniform. He looked over to his right to see Hikaru standing there, with his face crunched up in aggravation....Souhei cracked a smile when he saw Hikaru's face, Hikaru turned to see Souhei laughing at her...

'I hate the rain, but with Furuya's reputation of burning out this might be a blessing in disguise.' Hikaru thought 'but I have a feeling I forgot to pack something....'


Kaori looked at the players of Seido and Teito...Kaori was happy to see her little brother and Alex on the field. She was also excited to finally get to see Hikaru play.

"Top of the first, two outs and a runner on second after a walk and a bunt." Kaori said "Inui the cleanup is up at bat."

"Furuya has a weak early game." Kaori's Senpai said "So I'm sure Teito wants to take advantage of that."


Back on the field the tension between the two teams were growing. Furuya and Inui both stared each other down. Furuya threw his pitch to Inui who was ready and let his bat go to meet Furuya's ball. The two met, the ball flew into the air.

"LEFT!" Miyuki shouted

Shirasu jogged slowly under the ball and raised his hand up and caught it. Shirasu threw it back to Furuya.

"ASWSOME!" Haruichi yelled

"NICE PITCH, FURUYA!" Kuramochi shouted

Seido was now running off the field. Miyuki turned to look at Furuya who was walking up.

"That flew pretty far." Miyuki said

The two met up with Hikaru and they walked into the dugout.

"THEY'RE NOT FAZED BY FURUYA'S PITCH AT ALL!" Eijun shouted appearing at Hikaru's side "IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME!"

Hikaru sighed and whacked Eijun on his head.

"Shut up!" Hikaru said

Eijun turned to his sibling and shot glares at his sister. Hikaru ignored her brother and walked to her bag. The players of Seido all stood in the dugout. Kuramochi, Haruichi, and Zono were preparing to get ready to face Taiyo. They stood in front of Kataoka listing to what he had to say.

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