A Slice of Truth

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Hey guys I had to type this on my phone.....I want my computer fixed....but anyways here is your new chapter....please leave some comments four more chapters and the guys of Seido will be back:)

Michiyo woke up the next morning only to find that two of her roommates were already gone. That slightly bothered her, but she was focused on bringing Alex back. Michiyo slowly moved to the said boys room. When she opened the door she was shocked to see the state of the room. Dirty clothes sat in mounds in corners of the room while empty food wrappers left trails to video games and their boxes along with comic books. Michiyo sighed at the sight if the room and found herself now looking at the boy. Alex was still fast asleep even though it was already 11:30. His head was hanging of the end of the bed and his feet was were his head was suppose to be. Alex was tightly holding onto a donut shape pillow which made Michiyo wonder was food all this boy ever thought of. Michiyo sighed the yelled at Alex to get up. Alex shocked to be awoken by yelling quickly tried to sit up in the bed, however he found himself falling over onto the floor. Alex sat up and rubbed his head trying to figure out what just happened. Michiyo lost it after looking at Alex's bed hair. It was sticking up in every possible way. Alex hearing laughter looked up to see Michiyo at his door.
"Eh, Micchy what are you doing here? I'm not ready to get up yet."Alex said
" well it's a good thing I didn't ask if you were ready to get up or not. We'll hurry up and get dressed we are going on a trip." Michiyo said then left the room
Alex yawned and scratched his head trying to get the fringe out of his eyes.
"A trip? Ashi, all I wanted to do was sleep today."Alex cried
Alex got up and went to find some clean clothes, but he slipped on an empty cookie packet. Alex slammed onto the ground hard,he sat up again and rubbed his head he soon heard a familiar person laughing.
"Stop laughing at me!!!!"Alex yelled
Alex got up and quickly got dressed.


Hikaru and Souhei were walking around town. They had been at this since early this morning. Hikaru was listing to her beats while Souhei was following the directions Siri was giving him.
"Che, you better be happy that you're my friend."Souhei said
Hikaru hummed in response, while Souhei sighed. The two had woken up earlier than the other two, and decided to head to a famous candy store that was suppose to be easy to find. however three hours later and the two are still looking for it.


Alex and Michiyo get into a taxi and headed to the location only Michiyo knew. Alex sighed as he looked out the taxi window at the passing scenery.
"Micchy where are we going?"Alex asked
Michiyo just smiled and ignored him Alex frowned and leaned over to Michiyo.
"OI, where are we going! Answer me already!"alex cried
Michiyo smiled then replied:
" I'm not ignoring you, I'm just choosing not to answer you."
Alex pouted and looked out the window again. The two rode a while till the taxi finally stopped. Alex got out then helped michiyo. Alex quickly knew where they were as the taxi drove off.
"Why are we back in our home town?"Alex asked with tension in his voice
"Just visiting, come on!" Michiyo replied
Alex stuck his hands in his pockets and followed after michiyo. The two stopped walking when they heard the familiar sounds. The two looked and saw kids playing baseball. Michiyo smiled slightly as she saw a little boy with dark red hair. Alex looked in the direction that michiyo was and saw the boy.
"Ah, isn't that Kazu?" Alex asked
Michiyo nodded.


Kazuo Inoue smiled as he saw his friend Keith catch the ball.
"Nice catch Keith!"Kazuo cried
After the catch the coach called practice to be over and the two went over to their bags. Keith grabbed his water bottle and looked around the felid. It was then that Keith's attention was caught by two familiar faces. Keith turned to his friend who was digging through his gym bag, Keith sighed Kazuo was to unorganized. Keith tapped kazuo's shoulder making the said boy look at him.
"Hey isn't that Alex and your sister?" Keith asked
Kazuo looked in the direction his friend was and saw the two. With a conformation nod from Kazuo the two walked out of the field and to the older two kids.
"Hey you two how was practice?"Michiyo asked
Alex listened closely to the conversation,but acted like he didn't care.
"Practice is okay I guess."Kazuo replied
"Are you you two getting ready for the championships?"Alex replied
Keith and Kazuo looked at each other them replied:
Alex tripped over air then said:
" why are you two practicing so hard then? How bad did you lose?"
"The score was 9 to 0" Kazuo replied
"And because playing baseball is fun for us." Keith replied with a smile
Alex couldn't understand why the two were trying so hard. They were they had lost and badly to. Why weren't they giving up? Keith saw the siblings talking. He had heard about the accident since then the sibling hadn't really talk. But now you couldn't even tell there had been a problem. Keith noticed that one member of their group was extremely quite so he looked over at him. Keith was shocked when he saw Alex's face.
"What's wrong Alex?"Keith asked
"Hu? Oh I was just thinking."Alex replied
"About?"Keith pressed
Alex looked at the boy then said:
" you two got destroyed by a tough opponent, doesn't that make you wanna give up? Doesn't that make you want to get strong and destroy them?" Alex asked
Keith smiled and replied:
"True, we were all sad after the loss.....and yes we all wanted to give up.....but we've had so much fun playing with each other to stop."
Alex though back to the times he played with Hikaru, Souhei, Kuramori, and michiyo. Even though it was hard and painful, Alex had to admit he had fun. No he had more than fun, but no one care about fun anymore. Alex knew that better than anyone. The only time baseball was fun was when you were in t-ball and elementary. Then when you hit middle school the fun of the game vanishes and your left with high school scouts watching you and trying to convince you to come play at their school. Then once you pick a high school all the high school coaches do is pick out players that are good and will play in the pros. Once you hit your second year you have pro scouts coming and looking and college scouts as well. Not only that but you have your coach to worry about to in high school. If your coach doesn't make it to the championships the alumnus and principal might get rid of the coach no matter how important he was to the kids. Alex's though were interrupted when he noticed that they had made it to Michiyo's house. Keith was staying over with Kazuo till his parents got back. When the group walked in the house a maid welcomed them back. She then lead them into the living room. After telling the group that lunch would be served soon she left. Michiyo and her little brother started talking in hushed tones, while Keith and Alex watched the food network.
An hour late the maid came back and told the kids that they needed more ingredients, to get out of the rich atmosphere Alex volunteered himself to go and retrieve the said ingredients.

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