The Underdog's Pitch and Self Destruction....

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Hey guys, I shortened the matches a little don't hate me...but anyways here is a new chapter just for you guys:) Leave some comments and i'll try to post sooner....


The next day Alex, Hikaru, and Souhei were working on their injuries under Tetsumi's guidance. Michiyo was in a meeting with Miyuki, Rei, the club advisor, and Coach Kataoka.

"What do you think their talking about?" Tetsumi asked glancing towards the room where the meeting was being held.

"Probably the lineup for the game." Souhei replied squatting then standing up again

"Why do you guys say that?" Tetsumi asked

"Micchy had her glasses on her face when she left us right?" Alex asked rotating his wrist a bit

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with tomorrow's game?" Tetsumi asked

"Micchy is only serious when she has her glasses she left her notebook open during breakfast and we snuck a peek. " Hikaru said rubbing her knee.

Tetsumi nodded in understanding....the three went back to their exercise; However, Hikaru nor Alex would admit their injures were slightly starting to hurt.

"Oh yeah Sumi can you do me a favor?" Hikaru asked looking up at her best friend

"What is it?" Tetsumi asked

"Tag along with Nabe-Senpai for me okay?" Hikaru replied

"Hu? He's just going to watch the Inashiro game."

"Just do me this one favor okay?"

"Sure, but you're acting weird."

Souhei and Alex shared a look.


Michiyo stood by Miyuki as the group listened to what Coach Kataoka had to say. Michiyo listened and wasn't really shocked to hear Coach Kataoka's plans for the next game.

"Furuya's playing left field in the next game?" the club advisor asked shocked

"Yeah." Coach Kataoka replied "I want him to be ready to go any time, but if he shows any laziness, I'll switch him out immediately."

The small room was quite. Miyuki nor Michiyo dared make a sound...

"Is it a penalty for the last game?" Ochiai asked stroking his beard "That's pretty harsh."

Michiyo glared at the man, she was starting to understand why Hikaru didn't like him.

"He can still act like the ace, even from left field." Coach Kataoka said "His teammates see everything."

"Then who's starting?" The club advisor asked

Michiyo had a feeling she knew who Coach Kataoka had pick. About that time the door opened and a familiar voice said:

"Excuse me."

Everyone in the room looked towards the door.

"You called for the crippled Sawamura?" Eijun shouted saluting everyone in the room

Michiyo sighed and placed a hand on her forehead.

'Idiot.' Michiyo chimed in her head

"Wh-What can I help you with today?" Eijun cried "If it's about sleeping thorough the entire class today, then I'm deeply repentant."

"You did?" Miyuki asked

"Yeah he snored so loud that the teacher had to yell over him." Michiyo replied

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