Michiyo's Determination

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Michiyo sighed as she collected the items on her grocery list. Alex was suppose to come with her to help, but here lately all Alex does is train, hang out with Hikaru, and train with her father....well truthfully that's all any of her 'friends' do. Hikaru and Souhei rarely talk to anyone other than each other and sometimes Kirijo. The doctor's appointment, well Hikaru took Michiyo to it the day after yesterday and well that was the last day Michiyo had a normal conversation with the girl...

When Hikaru and the others weren't training they were playing in the junior league they had signed up for. Surprisingly it was a community league and since the since the four live in the community they were allowed to play. The sad part about this is that they have destroyed all of their opponents...Their teammates despised them and never talk to them. Their positions you ask? Alex would always play third, Hikaru rotated between left and right field, but since Alex was playing third Hikaru normally stayed in the right field saying Alex could handle left and third. Souhei, well he rotated between catcher and center. For some reason he played center better...Michiyo guessed it was because him and Hikaru could do combine plays. Kurmori well it shocked everyone but he played shortstop and second. The youngest baseball player was doing surprisingly well. Everyone was amazed with how fast Kurmori was able to mold his baseball skills. Michiyo's father thinks it's because of Alex, Hikaru, and Souhei. The coach on their team really truly hates Hikaru and the others, everyone can see....but he doesn't want to say anything...because really it's better to hate the four in secret and have them on your team then have to play against them.

Something that has been bothering Michiyo lately is how wherever Hikaru goes Kurmori is right behind her or close to her. It also bugs Michiyo that here lately that Kurmori thinks he has to answer for Hikaru. To Michiyo it seems like Hikaru and the others aren't in their right minds...It's like they're in a daze and all they could see in front of them were their opponents. Michiyo was realizing that slowly she herself had the same ruthless thoughts; however, hers where not as strong. She would often find herself mocking people trying to exercise or trying to bat, but Michiyo would always stop herself...but it was getting more frequent then she liked.

As Michiyo was paying for her groceries her mind went back to what her dad had said a couple of days ago.

'If what my dad said was true then we are on a countdown to destruction..'Michiyo thought.

Michiyo finished her shopping and was heading back to the rental house, well trying to at least, but she had to buy a lot of stuff...Feeding four bottom less pits takes a lot of food now a days. She realized as she tried to go up the hill to rental house that maybe she had bought too much, eight bags were too much for a girl in a wheelchair to carry....Michiyo grunted in aggravation as she trudge up the hill.

"Next time I'm dragging one of those baseball junkies with me."Michiyo cried

About that time six of the eight bags were taken from Michiyo. Michiyo looked quickly to see who had taken the bags and was shocked to see Hikaru standing there with her beats around her neck.

"Hikaru! What are you doing here? Is practice over with already?"Michiyo asked

"Nah, I got bored and left. I was walking around town then I heard you all but cussing at us baseball junkies."Hikaru replied walking beside Michiyo

Michiyo didn't know what to say, till she thought of something.

"Have you talked to anyone from Seido lately?"She asked

Hikaru stopped walking and Michiyo did after she got a little ahead of Hikaru. Michiyo looked back at where her best friend stood.

"What's wrong Hikaru?"Michiyo asked

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