Chapter - Fifty : THE END OF THE WAR

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Grief, sorrow and pain is all I felt while I walked out with Griffin towards the noices, leaving behind the dead body of the love of my life.

The same girl I hated at first and fell for, the same girl with whom I wanted to live the rest of my life and the same girl with whom I wanted to capture every happiness in the entire world but who died a painful death by an unknown enemy.

I felt tears continuesly rushing out of my eyes making it hard to see and all I thought was of the sweet memories we created in all that time. Her waking up every morning to see the dawn, her laughs when she used to get excited or happy, her calling me stupeziel and the most beautiful one where I used to hear and feel her breath on my chest.

Why did you leave me alone when so much was there left?

" It's not father Ezekiel, it's not him but some men from the New York Mafia who attacked the territory. We don't know for sure but Aurora was ki- it was a sniper and the men who entered here are all dead, they shot themselves. "

Griffin said his voice hoarse while we walked towards the bodies, when I entered the place, it was a chaos, ouren were injured, half lying dead and then tgere were fourty bodies all together in a line with a bullet in their heads.

" Where is father. " I asked in almost a whisper but Griffin heard, " he left at around 11:00 pm, I myself went with him until we reached the main gate and Miguel, Amber and Quinn are in the safe house. Amber got caught between the shooting and got shot on hand but is recovering well. "

My heart and mind was still stuck on her lifeless body but somewhere I was relieved that others were safe and in the safe house which meant that they were secured with other men of the Faction.

I looked at my gun which was still fully loaded and closed my eyes to meet the image of her when I first met in that alley. " Prepare the Faction, New York will pay for this. " I was about to leave when I felt Griffin's hand firmly gripping mine.

" I know what happened was wrong and I myself want to kill every member of New York Mafia but now is not the right time. Faction include men of the Vegas Outfit too and people need time mourn. "

The last word made me close my eyes and finally I let all my emotions out as I cried in my brother's arms bitterly. " She left me Griffin, I need her. I NEED HER. " I screamed still crying as Griffin sobbed.

But maybe that amount of pain was less to our stars as the fate played another game of it's might. We were disturbed with a man who came running, " Capi, the south area, you-your room was on fire with another three rooms. "

I stood with a jerk wide eyed and so do Griffin who immediately ran towards the hallways direction and so did I. But when we reached there it was too late. The fire was out but the hallway was completely damaged and there in between was a body which was burned almost completely making it impossible to know who it was.

But I knew. Aurora.

I remembered everytime I killed someone even if it was for the Familia or when they deserved it. I remembered every stare the person in front of me would give before I shot them. I was immuned to it because I knew that every person I ever killed was never innocent or was the wrong doer to the Famila and The Code Of Silence.

But today when I saw her lifeless body, her body still in shreds of the dress I gifted her and her body which was so damaged after being caught in fire, I could not think of reason why was I so cruel and merciless to others in the past. I couldn't think about how many people I would have hurted while being in the rage.

They commited crimes and deserved what happened, my mind spoke, they were also humans, said my hear but what remained constant was this erupt of endless pain when in front of me was the body of hers which was even unrecognisable if not for the dress I gave her.

I stood still as Griffin cried out and fell on his knees and saw a man putting a sheet of white cloth on her, on my peace shutting it out for ever.

" What happened here? " I asked after a few minutes as I felt no tears coming out then, it felt as if I was just a body without emotions and I felt nothing. Not a single thing.

" Everyone was out when the explotion happened. Probaby because of some shot circuit. The wires in you room are open but we dont know for sure as everything is.. everything is damaged. By the time we were finally able to make it back, the fire was everywhere. "

" HOW CAN A SHOT CIRCUIT HAPPEN OUT OF NO WHERE. " Griffin scream but it felt like a whisper to me because it didn't matter then. She was gone and nothing could bring her back.

So I walked towards the safe house wher everyone was. I saw Quinn and Amber whose eyes were searching for their sister. The sister who died because of me. Miguel stood there with questioning eyes as he saw me. Questioning where his brother's wife was when everyone one was there, the wife who died because of me.

Yes, I killed her because it was me who she fell for, it was me who couldn't protect her and it was me let her fall for a Ripper. Maybe it's true and the name suits me as I ripped apart not only the person who taught me how to smile and live but also a sister, daughter and friend.

I walked sternly and stood in the middle of the crowd while Griffin stood in the corner with his head low crying.

" I Ezekiel Luciano, the Capi De Capi of Chicago Faction apologize for all the innocent lives we lost today. I am sorry to the Lavesquè family as their member and my wife, Aurora Lavesquè is dead. " The moment I said it I heard a cry which was of Amber and Quinn's who were crying bitterly but continued to speak.

" I lost the love of my life but I beg you all to not remember her as just a person but as a fierce, fearless Comarè of the Chicago and Vegas Familia. Today I think I lost as a Capi and I know, nothing I do can mend the Familia like it was before but I announce as the present leader that the two Familias are now free of the years old rivalry and a true alliance and I Ezekiel Luciano leave the position of the Capi De Capi of The Chicago and Vegas Outfit and give it to my brother Griffin Luciano. "


I cant believe that the book one is finished. I really would like to thank my readers for the love and support. Thank you so much.

This book was more successful than I thought and I am forever depted to you all who made it possible.

Do share your veiws and experience ❤️

Also this is not the end as the Sequel is to come out which I will start very soon!!!

Make sure to stay because there is still alot remaining for this story.

And I am very happy to announce the name of the next book.

" Firewhirl "

Thank you again and Don't forget to vote, comment and share.❤️❤️❤️

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