Chapter - Thirty Three : KNOWING THE DEMONS - PART II

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Aurora ...

When the lock on the door clicked a tall black shadow is the first thing my eyes deciphered but my mind and heart knew who it really was.

I moved slowly while he stumbled in the small area because a part of me was afraid to face him and a part was confused to see him like that.

He took another step and before he could have fallen I ran and grabbed him, it was quite a job because he obviously weighed more than me but the moment I held him I felt something wet touching my palms.

It was too dark to know so I started to move him outside but he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

" There is a door on the right, exit from there. " Understanding what he really was saying was also difficult as most of the words he said started and ended with a grunt but when I looked towards the direction he was looking at, there was a door and I half dragged him towards it.

I knew that this place was all just a web kind of a place as mine also had these connection door but what made his house different was that, it was smaller with more area in the outdoors and that the place was a damn labyrinth.

When we moved through that door, at first it was another dark and quite corridor and when I thought that it was  a never ending corridor to no where, that's when I finally saw another door which, to my surprise, opened exactly in the hallway towards our room.

I squinted my eyes because of the sudden light after the dark and was amazed by the architecture of the place, " Damn Ezekiel, this place is quite impressing and you should drink-"

I finally looked at him and gulped back a scream when I saw what the wetness I felt and thought of alcohol really was.


It was blood which I felt on my hand and which was still gushing out of his wounds from his torso making his black shirt damp as hell.

But before I could have screamed, he again grabbed me and said some incoherent sentance which I failed to understand. Blood was something I had seen more than anything since my very childhood, and was quite thankful in some was as it was that, that I wasn't panicking, yet the blood which was surely coming out of Ezekiel's body, made me nauseated and it made me sweaty.

He looked at me with a serious expression and with that I took him to the room with one of his hands on my shoulder.

As soon as we entered the room, I ran towards the bathroom to take the first-aid kit and he locked the door with his body completely on the support of the wall.

When I came back he was there on the bed with his shirt open and with a bottle on his hand which was half empty meaning he gulped that down.

I looked at him, and the blood was already half dry and in clots over the wound which was actually a straight cut made diagonally from his right upper torso to his left side towards the end of it.

I remembered the day when I saw him for the first time with a cotton pad and bandages which also reminded me of how everything was different then.

He was smiling when I sat beside him which made me think about punching him, " seriously, if you smile like this, I will fucking smack you on your face. "

He chuckled which immediately made him wince but he tried to hide it. I looked at the wound and realised it was a cut made on a same healed and scarred area and my eyes flicked directly to his.

And I looked at this sadness I always saw in him screaming more than ever so I decided to stitch the wound first.

After him almost throwing me out of the bed as his slapped on my hand everytime he felt pain which was like the whole time, the wound was finally stitched and then I wrapped his torso with the cotton bandage.

The whole time, he was quite except the grunts and the slaps and then he  buttoned up the new shirt I gave him which was navy blue in color.

For a moment we just sat there in silence and the moment actually turned out to be an an hour and it was already past 1:00pm.

" Just speak. " I said without looking at him and staring at out legs.

" I can't. " He said with a soft voice and this utter sadness which made my heart clench. I knew what he meant because I knew how hard it is to keep a secret buried inside when you really just wanna tell it to someone but can't get yourself to do so. And I knew that too, that how keeping a secret can develop into the tree of misery and loneliness so I said what I myself always wanted someone to tell me.

" I am here when you want me. " He looked at me and I surely didn't missed the wetness in his eyes which made my hands automatically hold him.

We hugged each other for a long time, I held him to share his pain and he held me as if I was his only chance to survive in the storm of his thoughts.

We were quite until he whispered in my ears with a soft, smiled but sad voice, " I self harm not because I like it but because I am somewhat wired to do so. To drip away my emotions with my blood and today the cut was just deeper because I know my feelings are becoming a deeper ocean. "

Hearing him confess about his actions felt more intimate than anything I ever felt, and the way he said it, about not giving away anything yet sharing his pain made me hold him tighter because for me, it was a sin for someone to make him like that.

I wanted to know who the person was and what was behind that black door but I knew he wouldn't tell me so I just pushed my emotions away.

" I don't know what to say and I won't say stuff to make you feel better because I know that, when someone do that, it actually doesn't change anything except making the other person thinking more about whatever he is going through. " I whispered back.

" Just hold me then. " He said and so I did and we held each other for a time which felt like an eternity which I never really wanted to end.

" I had a brother, elder than me who died, everyone thinks it was a suicide but only I know that it wasn't. It was a murder. " I didn't knew why I told him because I never in my life said a word about Joshua's death to someone but with Ezekiel, it felt so right that I finally did it.

I didn't tell him who did that to Joshua and why and neither I told him anything about why I never did anything about the truth of his death but he remained quite because that's what it was between us, we knew how difficult it was and we understood each other in that way.

" I am sorry about it. " He finally said after a few minutes and if possible, I held him like my life depended on it before I whispered,

" I am sorry about whatever it is you have too. "

But never I said that, that day, I fell for Ezekiel Luciano and understood about how much trouble I was gonna have because of it.



This was an important #Auzekiel moment but worry not because alot is coming and stay tuned to see Ezekiel's Pov in this situation in the next chapter 🤭

Also, I have made an account on instagram ie. @hiddenchapters_ where you all can get sneak peeks and other updates such as trailer and aesthetics of my works.. so do follow and I follow back❤️

Also the cover has been updated, its the final cover so do share your views ❤️

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