Chapter - Two : BULLET IN HIS MOUTH?

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I was known as Raven in all my familia, because according to them, I was cruel and I enjoyed being alone only, that I am a dark person with a mind people can never read, they were right and I was happy that they at least knew what I am and most importantly, that I don't really care when it comes to have what's mine.

I walked across the hallways which joined the buildings in our mansion. Out of the three buildings, two were joined together, and were called the Lavesquè House, where we, the main members of the outfit lived, in one lived all the made men, those who were the sworn members of the outfit and who gave their life to the oath of the Code Of Silence, those who would die a member only.

All of us, who were the made men, lived together, without any discrimination, without any difference of families, because that's what we respect, the designation and reputation and the place was called the weapon house.

The building, consisted a total of fifty rooms with a main hall where the meetings happened, and where we practiced and worked out.

Then there was the main house, where only the main family was invited, where lived the leader, us, the children lived in the in the weapon house, but out of all the families in the weapon house, only the blood related were allowed in the main building, which, by night would be mine.

I entered the main gates with the gold plate of Lavesquè on it and went to the main room. The room was biggest in the whole mansion, with wooden furniture that gave it the lethal and vintage look and unlike the walls of my room, it had nothing because the leader always had weapons to the place he can reach the fastest, under the bed and the bathroom but also because the security there was the tightest.

To reach the leader, one had to go through the weapon house and the fighters on the entrance, which was nearly impossible.

"You are here." I looked towards the corner to find my father, Mateo Lavesquè, soon to be retired Capo De Capi of Vegas Outfit, smoking his cigar, he was old, his wrinkles were visible and had the head which I would call as bald.

"Yes father, what shall I do?" I hung my head low, one last time..
"I want you to sit first." I nodded and sat across him. He looked what he should look like, old and weak but one thing I saw on his face was the look of concern.

"You are about to become the Comarè and there would be a lot of responsibilities daughter. This outfit will be in your hands and you will have to walk on the edge of a knife at all times."

I chucked to that, "My apologies father, but that's what I swore the day I took the oath, to serve the Vegas Mafia, and I will kill anyone who dare to harm it."

I smiled but the that look was still there, it was the first time in twenty three years of my life I saw him concerned and I knew it wasn't a good sign.

"Daughter, there is something you need to know, we have this conflict with the Mexican Faction which is there from the last many generations."

The Mexican Faction, the outfit of Mexico which I grew up hating, they were our biggest enemies and as dangerous as us, with almost same number of members as of us. Funny, how people nurture their long lost grudges over the time even if the water is as same as poison and the soil is full of hatred and bloodshed.

"I know father, but they cannot touch us, I will kill anyone who tries to and besides that, this is our territory."

"Daughter, you are fearless, the most fearless women I have ever seen but there is one thing you don't know. The Sanguin- "

With that the door burst open and the guards were inside, they all covered us and the sound of shouting came from outside.

I drew my gun out, "What is going on?" Our chief Security, Louise, ordered everyone to cover us. "A message job has been done in the weapon house and we still don't know who was it. We are following the security protocol, unless the threat is identified."

Message job, it was a method in which enemies try to give a message or a warning by the way of shooting. It was dirty and harsh, something we never did because it wasn't my style to shoot in the back like a coward.

"Where was he shot?" I shout in rage and for a second every single man in the room looked at me before Louise spoke, "Ma'am, he was shot in the mouth, he was one of the newly initiated men and we are already checking the bullet for any hidden message."

"Louise, are you that dumb? It means we are watching you."
I was about to lose my shit but as on cue, his phone rang, he said a few yes and hung up.

"Ma'am, we have identified the bullet, it's from Mexico and had a message carved in it too. Saying, either get ready to fight or prepare a good deal. Who did this is out because the mansion has been checked thoroughly."

This was the moment when every humanity in me turned off and the thirst begun, the thirst of blood and fuck, I was so ready.
"Let's go, and kill some assholes."

I started to walk out and saw only red, but my father stopped me, "Everyone, out." I looked at him with disappointment and confusion and when everyone left, he said, "There is something you need to know. And you have to prepare a deal because this conflict is more than you know."

And I knew something was off, that we were in trouble which sure was not a small one, but I was ready and with a grin which surely matched the Devil, sat with the same cigar my father was smoking a few minutes ago not knowing the coming things will change my life in the most unexpected way.


Heyyyy lovieeees, * hides behind a curtain * I know I know, what you think....WHERE IS EZEKIEL?

Well, dont more the wait more the fun😉...and *whisper* next chapter, you do get him tooo😉🤭

So what do you think really is the matter!???? Well... something really IS off, so stayy tuned...😉😉😉

And thank you so so much for the support to those who are still here with me....*weepsss*😭❤️❤️

Also......dont forget to vote and comment yaaaaaa

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