Chapter - Twenty Seven : THE DRIPPED BLOOD

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This chapter is dedicated to shook99 and GarimaSingh743 for their love and support, thank you ❤️

This chapter is dedicated to shook99 and GarimaSingh743 for their love and support, thank you ❤️

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February 2, 2002

Right after my brothers freaking cut the cake in my room and sang a very happy ' happy birthday ', they left. And not to mention the horrific announcement they made about some party in the evening.

But that was what happened according to them, which was that they came, sang, hugged, saw me laugh, had some drinks and left. But what really happened was totally different from my point of view and vision.

And that is the reality, that evey thing, evey single incident happen as a different reality to every one and because of that, it ceases to be a reality and become more of a scenery which is developed and formed according the way we want to see and want it to be.

For me, what really happened was that I stared at Aurora the whole time as she stared to me and in that very moment we knew nothing was same but what she didn't knew was that my shell was half broken because even with every turmoil I felt whenever I felt any emotion and even after the denying that I didn't want her and every thing I did was just to make her fall,

I knew it wasn't all just the show and that with her, I was stumbling too. I didn't knew her, because Aurora wasn't some one to open her self out and she didn't knew me but even with the truths kept within our deep selves, we were both slipping.

After my brothers left the room I turned back to Aurora with only one thing echoing in my mind.

Well maybe you aren't the only one Ezekiel.

What did that meant? I knew, yet I chose not to think more but I wondered if she was going throught the same turmoil as I did and had the same confusion as I had.

I saw her and she was already on the bed with her back on me. I knew she wasn't asleep because it was three in the morning and she always woke up at that time to watch the dawn.

But instead of talking I went straight to the bathroom as I felt a sudden need to feel the water on me. I went to the bathroom and saw myself on the mirror. I was shirtless with the bandages on which had spot of blood on them and my body looked a little greased from the equipments from the torture room which looked like I just came out from some war or something.

Then my eyes went to my face which looked sleepy and tired and my hair was all out of the place.
When Aurora tore my shirt off, I knew what was next, questions. But instead of making a big deal she kept it simple which suprised me as when Griffin found out, he punched me on my face and Miguel cried for a week as he was very young when he did thinking some one else did that to me.

I went inside the shower cubicle and turned the tap on for hot water as I sat inside the tub. At first it felt painful but then the pain became the soothing sensation I needed because as much as terrible and weird that sounded, pain really does that to you.

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