Chapter - Twenty Five : CHOKED

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Guilt, it is one of the most common yet painful emotion a human can feel. Every thing we do, every thing we say and every thing done by others, somehow and in some way, always plants it's seed of guilt in our hearts and minds.

Because no matter what we, human species acheive, we always and always end up thinking about what if we took the other option, what if we said sonething else and what the other person did something else instead of whatever he did.

We humans just gets churned and lost in this cycle and by the time it ends, the only thing left and felt is the guilt only,  about why we thought so much and didn't focused and enjoyed what was there.

But no matter how much we talk about this, no matter how much we realise it, this cycle will continue and thrive its existence because that is what makes us humans, to feel and be guilty about what we did not do.

I always kept my secret hidden deep inside my heart and below the surface of my confidence and grace because that was what my duty demanded and because I knew that if I started digging in the long lost and locked grave of my secret and lies, it will steal away my very sanity and break into pieces which could never be put together.

But the questions of how someone from the enemy side could be related to my dead brother became the very reason for me to scratch out the first ounce of that grave.

It can not be possible, if Griffin knew Joshua, he had to be there first and there us no way he was born by then because he is younger then Ezekiel and Joshua was seven years older than me. But how? It is only possible if he was,

Realisation hit me like a fucking truck and my eyes were wide with my jaws on the floor, " oh my god. "

The suspecion I had was not small and it was also like questioning the whole Chicago Faction but for me, the answer was more important to find so I went to that one person who could lay it out straight.

I walked towards the main gate as I was in the backyard and came across the black door of our room.

When I entered the room, Ezekiel was on the bed with no shirt on which was kind of distracting but I chose to speak anyway.

" we need to talk. " it was like he did not saw me coming but as soon as his eyes met mine, he smiled which was getting quite normal and cleared his throat.

He stood up and my eyes fell directly to his carved torso which seemed like God himself worked on it but nothing madevme more squirmish than the fact that he was only in his boxers.

He had perfect six abs which had numerouse scars,  from which some looked old and some looked freshly healed and which I found weird but before I could think more about those scars, my eyes fell on his legs.

How can some one's legs can be so damn perfect?

His legs had every marcular cut on them and his calves were so muscled and shaped that even I felt jealouse bevause this man was like some god who was created with every perfection out there.

And that v-line,

" eyes up here Lavesque. " suddenly I remembered that staring some one with that kind of intensity was not really appropriate so I cleared my thriat which was miraculously dry and fixated my eyes him.

As if that really helped.

He was looking straight at me while he siped his dring in the slowest of motions and with amusement in gis eyes.

" you should wear something. Its cold. " and you are not making it easy to concentrate, I thought but kept thar thought inside.
" why Aurora? I dont feel cold but I would say it is getting really hot in here. "

He said with sarcasm dripping in every word,

" get over yourself stupeziel. " I said while I walked toward the table to pour my self a drink and where he stood.
" tell rhat to yourself crackhead. " he chuckled whilw he made me a drink and passed it to me and which I drank in a single sip.

But no one will ever tell you that what a drink makes your head do, it makes you look down for a second to absorb the taste and that was what happened to me and I could pretty much bet that I saw a kind of a lining on those black boxers and choked on my small shot of vodka which made cough like a asthma patient trying to find air.

And I knew about because my sister was one.

While I coughed and tried to normalise the sitution, Ezekiel finally found the dignity to wear his pants as he coughed too for some reason,  which was the awkwardness in the air I guess.

After almost fifeteen minutes we both finally looked at each other's faces and bursted in laughter.
I dont know about him but I laughed until my stomach screames at me to not laugh anymore.

" you look nice when you laugh. " he said when I opened my eyes and found him staring at me.
" yeah sure, Mr. Hard on like a teenager. "

He chucked and poured one more drink,  " I am a guy and don't tell me that only I was the one who was sexually aroused here. If only my organs could be detected in such situation, it doesn't mean you were not practically drooling over there. "

And there it was, the warm feeling I felt and the uncalled humidty in the room, " I was not. " I said wgich we both knew was a conpleate lie but
Hey, he was beautiful.

" so how does your wound feel. " for a second he went still but then asnwered with a shrug,  " fine and all good. "

I nodded to his answer while I still thought about the scars he had but chose not to ask about because we were not really close and I respected his privacy as he respected mine.

" so, what you wanted to talk about? "

I became still then as I knew it was a hard and difficult thing to ask and meant todirectly question the familia but it was important to me so I did anyway.

" what's Griffin's age? " I blurted it out as casually I could but from the corner of my eye saw Ezekiel suck on a breath and norrowing his eyes on me.

" he is twenty one and two years younger than me,  same as your age and I think you should go check the stables, Devil was upset yeserday. "

He said and laid back on the bed with his back on me which had a large single cotton badage on it and I left the room with my suspicion stronger than ever as I saw Griffin in the halway waiting for me.


Hey lovieees,  so thing got pretty steamy huh😏😏😏well this was just a start and which I was planning for weeks lmao.
Hope you all liked the #Auzekiel moment we had😋😉 do tell what you think😘

Also, Aurora is very close to know the truth of Griffin and I wonder how she would feel about it😬

To know,  stay tuned Nd forget not tovote and comment and share❤

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