Chapter - Twenty Two : BETRAYALS

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January 20, 2002

I remembered the day he came back covered in blood and the hatred his brother had in his eyes but other than that the only thing I saw and remembered were the walls of my room, the glass window, the moon and the dawn.

After the fact that I knew everything was established by Luciano family they preferred not to talk to me and I decided to be in room the whole day.

I knew it was wrong to care, I knew it was wrong to think but no thing can help you when your inhibitions speaks louder than your intentions and mine were not speaking but screaming.

For the last ten days, Ezekiel was unconscious and whenever he opened his eyes, he didn't last long more than a minute or two, for five days he suffered from high body temperature because of the infection his wounds had but it was all what I heard by the servants and other members but never saw as they kept him in a seperate room for the medication and to keep me away.

I didn't had any feelings for him, because it was inappropriate or that I didn't knew him well to do so, yet I knew his power and that he had good in him and the idea of him dying like this was unsettling and not possible.

" Aurora. " I was taken aback from the voice because it wasn't supposed to be present here and turned back, " Miguel? Hey, um I know you are here to shoot hate glares so just go and save your time. "

Instead of going away he smiled and came inside the room and sat on the chair by the window right in front of me.

" I am not here to blame you. " I was shocked and confused by the statement but decided to be calm and strong.

" I know what every one thinks, that somehow it's you who was behind all this because no one knows what really happened and Ezekiel couldn't tell either but Aurora, I know you are not behind this. "

I didn't made sense, it was all true but the him believing in me, it was something which was not something I expected either.
" You know something, what is it? How did all this happen Miguel? "

He made himself a drink and drank it,
" I know because I was there. "
And with that everything became a cloud of questions and doubts. Did he do this? But why would he? He is his brother! But then why he didn't save him either and showed up before?

" I know what you are thinking and no, I love my brother and I am loyal to  cosa nostra, my familia. We both went to New York as we heard that Murillo still is not okay with this allegiance because it makes us the most powerful Mafia, he said yes for a meeting where he had a some small girls captive for the intentions of selling them. "

He paused for me to absorb everything, Murillo indeed wasn't happy and I figured out that his men drugged and shot me on thr day of my wedding so that I could be late and war would have happened. And now when he knew he failed in stopping the wedding he did this.

" Tell me everything. " He nodded and continued.

" Everything was going okay and he left before us, we were also leaving when the hell broke, there were atleast fifty men who attacked on us and Ezekiel and I were outnumbered. We would have made it out of there but he told me to free the girl which I did and when I felt that someone was attacking me for which I was ready for, Ezekiel came in front and took the wound on his back. "

He was wet with tears because why not? It was terrible to see someone you love to get injured even if its to save you.

" We would have made out because everyone else were dead but he fucking took the guard and played big brother shit. He told me not to tell anyone what happened because then the war would happen and then ordered me to take him back here and leave. " By then he was crying and seeing him like that was hurtful.

He was about Quinn's age and even younger than him and nothing was his fault. I knew why Ezekiel told him to leave because he was young and so that he could rest his mind a bit so I did what I would have done with Quinn and hugged him, " it's okay, nothing is your fault and he will be fine in a couple of days and dont worry, I wont tell anyone about anything, now go and have some sleep okay. "

It took him a while to calm down but eventually he broke our hug, " you know, everyone here doubts you as you are from the enemy's land and thats obvious but you are like a sister to me and I believe in you. Thank you for that. "

And with that he left and I felt something warm in my heart and pain because they didn't knew my intentions, and it was so painful that I started hating myself.

You are a trust breaker and a liar.

But I decided to shove it away and went out to have some fresh air.
When I was coming back I hear that Ezekiel had woken up and against my better judgement I ran towards his room which had everyone inside except Miguel who was asleep.

" I am fine. " That voice, that voice which I hated so much yet craved more than anything for the last fee day, because how could you actually hate someone who almost die saving his brother and innocent girls? You can't which made every thing more difficult and the air so thick that it made it near impossible to breath in.

I was about to enter when a hand grabbed me and jerked me back in the hallway, " what do you think you are doing? Don't you remember what i said? Dont go anywhere near him Aurora and back off. "

I looked straight in Griffin's eyes which were full of hatered and disgust and it was like, that look was always meant to be there and everything else was a lie.

It worked like an inspiration actually because that was what I always expected here, from these people and not the welcoming behaviour or warmth which was showcased. So I raised my chin high and shoved his hand away.

" I just need to see him and stop talking to me like I am some piece of shit. I am his lawful wife and the Comarè of whole Las Vegas and and Chicago which makes you fucking under me so you back off. "

He was shocked which was very much there on his face but then he just smiled and when I was at the doorway, with those hazel eyes staring at me he whispered from behind only for me to listen.

" Have you forgotten Joshua too? "

And suddenly everything crashed inside me and I was out of breath while Ezekiel waited for me to enter.


Hey lovieees make sure to read this and the next chapter together.❤️

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