Chapter - Thirty One : TO BE A COWARD

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Misery is not something you get while you really seek it, instead it has this painful habit of coming when you are the most consumed by happiness.

And when it a knocks at your doorstep it shows as if it is important for it to be there when it has the promise of breaking you only in the first place.

I was the strong Capi to the eyes of others, a man who felt nothing and maybe it was true but deep in me, there rested the left pieces which were the ones which tormented my guts and soul. They were like the broken pieces of a glass which could neither be extracted nor be healed and I knew how to live like that until everything that happened recently, until her.

She never said it aloud but it was like she really saw me and what I intended to do to her, made me guilty yet I was consumed by her and was now a begger to her presence in some way because for some reason, her laugh made me feel alive.

I didn't knew if she really saw me or not but I on the other hand was sure and knew that she also had this pain inside of her, the pain I didn't knew the reason of but was happy for it in some selfish way because it made us alike even when were so different in every possible way.

I wanted to show her a place, the place which I never told anyone about like the other ones, which were a secret but at the exact moment, the misery is what that decided to show up.

There on the open road I saw her, the one who took care of me and nurtured me when I needed it, covered in blood and inside the pool of her own blood.

I ran to where she was and she was just limp, with her eyes closed and the hand in an angle it wasn't supposed to be with blood on all her clothes and the area surrounding her.

" What the fuck happened here? What happened to her? " I screamed so loud that every one there flinched and I checked her pulse. She was alive. But before it was more of a drama I took her to the car in my arms.

" Sir? To where? " My driver asked with both fear and concern in his eyes.

" Main House. " I spoke without even looking at him and then felt a hand on my shoulder to meet those black eyes which weirdly calmed me down a bit.

" We need to arrange surgeons, do you have any family surgeon?. " She was right, by the way the body looked, she sure had inner bleeding and the hand looked pretty fucked up too.

" There is a hospital called 'The Mount', the number is in my phone, call them and tell that I need a team of doctors and surgeons at the main house by the end of an hour. " She nodded and took my phone.

We being in Mafia, were not really into getting ourselves in actual hospitals as they asked so many questions and always included legal authorities, but we always had these connections when needed.

We reached the Main House in fifty minutes and the gallery and hallways were already cleared of the men and other members with a team of doctors who were already in their scrubs.

I looked behind them to see the conference room was also cleared and was turned into small surgery area with only the needed machines and the sterile equipments.

I ran with her in my arms and heard Aurora too behind me and then in a couple of minutes were there with nothing but the blood on us while the doctors took her away and started the surgery.

" She will be okay. " Said Aurora, and for a minute I was not this strong man and ut was just too much. I nodded and before I knew myself I was hugging her as she hugged me back.

I felt these droplets in my eyes which were tears, they were so foreign that I didn't even believed if that actually happened, people says, that be brave, put a smile and fight everything you face. As usual, I believed in it.

but ny beliefs were broken, and I thought,

why not embrace it, why not accept you are sad when you are, why to put a brave face and not try to be a coward for once and cry it out?

No one knows, but maybe thats be a person churned between different emotions, between different feelings and different battles, but most weirdly to be trapped by your ownself and to do right for everything other thing yourself.

So I did what I needed to, I let that all out and screamed and sobbed in as I sat on a chair there while was still standing which gave me this shield of her body.

And even if it was weak, I continued to be there for I don't know how long.
After the eternity, I was okay and finally stopped and then she sat on her knees in front of me which made her reach only my chest and I bended to see her.

She looked directly in my eyes and touched my head from the side by one of her hands and the sick bastard of me was there still looking at her with awe even when he knew what is the outcome of all this in the end.

" I know it's hard but it will be fine Ezekiel. " She spoke softly and I decided to keep that sick side of me at bay because as selfish as that sounded, I wanted to have this comfort before it will be gone.

" I knew. "

She smiled and then the door finally opened. The doctor came outside and we hurriedly walked towards them.

" Is she okay, tell me she is okay. " I grabbed the doctor by his shoulder and waited for him to answer which he did before a small smile.

" Mrs. Luciano is good now, the internal bleeding was very much with a tear in her heart due to the the intense pressure and trauma but fortunately we fixed all of it. She also had a pretty bad fracture which we fixed and now there is a caste on. Except the lot of physical therapy ahead, she will be just fine. "

I sighed in relief as Aurora smiled too, " can we meet her? " She asked. "She is unconscious right now but when she gets awake you can. Now we all need to go and call if anything is needed. " The doctor said and went out.

I looked at the time and it was past three in the morning, which seemed so unreal. " stay here and I will be in the room, call me if you need me here. Griffin and Miguel will also be here in a few hours as there flight got delayed. "

Aurora said and I remembered I didn't even called them, then for the first time I saw the exhaustion on her face and it was just so weird how this girl, an enemy became the one who stood by my side this entire day and before I could change my mind I grabbed her by her waist and kissed her.

It was nothing like the one we shared that day but ut was rather something more passionate but she kissed me back with the same feeling too.

" I know that it's wrong, I know it so well but take this as a thanks. Thank you. "

She smiled and with that she went away towards the room.


Hey loviesssss, I am good now and huhhhhh...this chapter was again an emotional one but here you all saw this different side of Ezekiel which I hope you all liked but there is something very surprising and unexpected coming in the next chapters and I cant really wait to post it just be ready and,

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