Chapter - Ten : WHAT DID I DO?

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December 28, 2001

You are not alone Raven, who inhibits only cold and death. For two days, all I could hear and focused was these words said by him. Even in the dreams, it haunted me.

But what scared me more, was that I was about to marry this man in three days, not that he was frightening but because he was different, like he knew me, like he saw right through me, but did he? The question remained no matter how much I denied it.

It was already 10 pm and everyone was asleep, except me, like always. I looked around and saw everything was packed, my weapons, my clothes, and  all I had in my wardrobe was the dress for the wedding and a couple of tank tops and jeans.

" Hey? " I turned and there stood Amber, in shorts and her sports vra only.
" Ugh, cover yourself, there are men here. "
She rolled her eyes and sat on the bed, which only my siblings had the power to do so.

" Men, who would be killed the second they stare at me in a wrong way, I know you sister and I know that you are the one who replaced all the male guards near my room and with the female members. "

Okay, that was unexpected, " well, I am protecting my sister thats all, I trust all my men, but boys are boys and you know what I mean. Though,any special reason to be here when everyone is asleep? "

" Oh that, what a second, he would be here any second. "
I got confused and before I could think more my door burst open,

" Sisters , I am here, may I come in. "
Quinn was there in his shorts and sweatshirt and I nodded him to enter.

" Seriously brother, you dont have to take permissions. " Amber muttered and Quinn answered what I knew he would, " well I respect family ethics and rules. "

With that they both were in my bed and just looked at me with wide eyes to which I made a deadpan face.

" What? "

" We are here because first, in three days you will be gone and we want to spend the night with you and second, that you didn't tell us that you are going to New York tomorrow morning and every one knew. "

I sighed and sat in between, " I didn't tell you guys because I didn't wanted you to know and for spending the night you can stay but I will be gone by 3 in the morning. "

For a second they went silent and Quinn was the one to break it first, " why there? Enemies are there. "

" That's the reason why, I wanna make a truce or something before I go so that I can have a less burden to carry then. "

" But what if something goes wrong? "
Amber asked and I thought about the what if,
" Nothing really because nothing will go wrong and I am traveling with other men too so dont worry and sleep. "

" Oh we will sleep, and by the way, Devil is gonna miss you! "

" Devil? " Oh crap!  " DEVIL, ugh how could I forget him? "
" Well, it's okay. " They both said as if it's that easy. But no way I was leaving him behind, I loved him more than anything. "

I jumped off the bed and dialled his number and as expected he answered in two rings. " Do you always just have your phone with your eyes on it waiting for me? "

He chuckled which was frankly becoming a lot common and answered, " what is it Aurora? "

" Listen, after marriage, the mansion will be equally mine and I don't you even think I am asking for some sort of permission, but I will have a friend to accompany me and who will live thre with me. "

He was silent and if I knew him better, I would have guaranteed that he was having that thin line on his lips with his eyes distant, " don't tell me you have a lover you intend to bring with you here. I dont really care but I won't allow that kind of shit. "

Someone's feisty.. " well he is my lover and I am his but you dont have to worry, I will text you in a second and bye. " With that I cut the line off and text him who Devil really is.

To which he just replied with

You are insane.


" What did he say? " Amber asked and I smiled a happy one, " he didn't really had any say in this as you know. And I will take Devil with me. "

" I cant believe you love him so much that you will take him with you, We will miss him. "

" Yeah. " Said Quinn.

" Oh shut up, you dont even go spend time with him like, ever! "

This time both of them rolled their eyes, " because he is a freaking horse that also all black! " They said in unison and I laughed, " well black has its own beauty dumb ass. "

And with that it all settled and we three cuddled up like we used to as a child. And as usual, they both dozed off in a matter of 10 minutes and I stared at them, because why not?it was beautiful to see those who really love you one should cherish this beauty instead of finding it in materialistic things and the world as if thats the only salvation.

But do I really deserve this, because as much as they loved me, I never did to them because deep down I was scared to do so, that if they ever come and get consumed in the chaos of this world, I wont be able to take it.

And I embraced the truth too, because...I heard a thing people say, that be brave, put a smile and fight everything you face. As usual, I dont believe in it. Why not embrace it, why not accept you are sad when you are, why to put a brave face and not try to be a coward for once and cry it out?

No one knows,  but maybe thats be a person churned between different emotions, between different feelings and different battles, but most weirdly to be trapped by your ownself and to do no right by none but yourself too.

I saw the clock and without even an ounce of sleep in my eyes, kissed them both on their forehead and left for New York. But I never knew that it would be a grave mistake to do so.


Hey lovieees, so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the sole reason for this one was to let you know and get a more insight of our Aurora or as we know of Raven's life and emotions, and I think we can sum up that she isn't such big of a arrogant huh? Let me know😄

And what do you think of the sibling? By the as we can figure, Amber is her bridesmaid and I have plans for her too😏😏 heheh you will know soon 🤙🏻❤️ and dont forget Devil😂❤️

So vote, comment and share if you like it and till then beebeeee❤️❤️❤️

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