Chapter - Eleven : WHERE ARE YOU?

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December 31, 2001

5:49 am, I woke up. And the very first thing came in my mind was her which I allowed even because today was the day, she would get married, and take her vows.

Ironically, the vows and the ceremony would be her own death contract instead of life and happiness which normal people expect and get but who was I kidding? We were far from normal.

It was an easy job, to get married, to lie and kill the women who is the only obstacle between me and my faction to thrive, but yet something felt heavy, which I didn't knew what.

I bathed and wore my suite which was my every day outfit, thanks to being a Cape de Capi, and stared outside the window.

Since the day I met Aurora, we called each other every morning and mostly just stayed silent which is maybe because we both are not like speaking and talking types but the silence had its own beauty. It is something you can feel only if you are all indulged in it and sometimes silence can also scream storms.

But our silence was different, it had peace and it was actually the defination of quite which offered some unexplained euphoria every time I felt it and maybe craved too. Because why not? I have heard screams, pain and even the cries of people, and if I can have a actual quite, it seemed beautiful no matter how uneasy it made me.

I saw myself on the mirror one last time and went to the stables, since everyone else were busy for wedding which I didn't understood the hype about, as if they didn't knew my intentions and expected a happy couple to walk after.

" Hey gorgeous. " I patted Sophia on head to which she inclined towards me and nudged her nose in the crook of my neck, just like every time.

" You look a bit dirty. Didn't they clean you yesterday after the ride? "

I looked out for Tucker who was the caretaker of the stables and found him at the end of the hallway cleaning.

" Why is Sophia not cleaned yesterday? "

" Goodmorning sir, I apologise but I had to fix the roof as it was leaking. "

I stared at the roof which surely looked mended and nodded him off to go.

" I shall clean her now. "

" No, you do your chores, I will clean her. "
For a second, he looked as if I just raised someone from the dead and then cleared his throat.

" Sir I can do it. "

" Tucker I insist,you do your chores and I will clean Sophia, and why do you think its not something I should do? I ride her all the time, she is my horse and I would like to spend time with her. "

He smiled and nodded and with that continued his work, to which I just took the sponge and the bucket and went to Sophia.

She was beautiful, 5 years old white mare with beautiful brown eyes, and my favourite out of every one.

I scrubbed her thoroughly and from the calmness on her posture, I guess she enjoyed it too.

" Aurora says she is bringing a horse with her. Maybe you will get a friend huh? "

I smiled at her and went back to my room for another bath as my suite was visibly all wet. I took a bath again and glanced at the watch, it was 2 pm already and I thought about the wedding which was planned for the night at 11 pm.

People and their love for New year.

Its funny how everyone says how bad their day is going everyday, and suddenly on the last day of the year, they celebrate as if they were having the best of their lives.

I came out and dressed up in a red shirt and black coat and black pants with guns on both sides and look at the only tattoo I had, about birds flying on and leaves that looked like as if shedding away on the wrist and some part of my forearm.

They were the only one's because they reminded me of things I lacked, freedom as the birds had because I was bound to my duty which I never regretted, and shedding leaves showed the oncoming liveliness which was an other thing I could never have.

I sighed and called Aurora again which again went directly to voicemail which was strange but before I could think more I saw the message by my father for the lunch.


" So how does she looked Ezekiel? " Asked my aunt, because before wedding we had this weird tradition of eating with all the family including the secondary kins which had my uncles and aunts and their kids.

" Oh she is exquisitely beautiful and graceful. " I said as no one knew my plan other than the main members and half of it because it was true too.

Get yourself together.

And just like that we had this long painful conversation which mainly consisted between the ladies as the men were somehow afraid that I was not liking it. Good.

" Sir? Apologies but there is something you need to know. "

I looked at Steven, our Consigliere and nodded which was kind of good because I wasn't really in mood of chit chats.

We went to the main hall for privacy and he looked visibly pale.
" Are you okay? What is it? "

He hesitated but after seeing my look finally answered. " The Comarè of Las Vegas is missing sir, for more than 48 hours. They said she was gone to New York on 29th of December and since then, there is no contact. "


I stood there in shock, which was not something I was used to and then it really got in, she was missing and as much as I wanted to believe its all a game of hers to betray this wedding, the only thought I had was, what if she is hurt?

" I dont care how many men it takes or how much time, I want her to be found and that also, today before midnight or you wont like the outcome. "

He nodded and went away.

You don't get to be hurt by anyone else Lavesquè but me.


Hey lovieees, sorry for the late update but I was really busy in the past few days.🤦‍♀️

So you got to know Sophia huh? Hehe and well Aurora is missing.
" Mysterious music "

Well next chapter will answer your questions and don't forget to vote and comment and share ❤️❤️❤️ till then bbyeee✨❤️

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