End of the line.

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As night approached you began prepairing for your final mission regarding Levi. It was about time to end this dramatic, sorry excuse of a love story. 

You dressed yourself in black, covering your face and hiding as many weapons as possible in your sleeves, shoes and behind your back. You checked your daughters one last time before leaving the room silently, Mikasa was awake and was wondering around but she wouldn't try to stop you. She knew what to do in case the girls woke up, since she supported your decision of ending Levi.

As you approached the prison cell where Levi was, you took a moment to survey the area, nothing unusual but that never meant there was no danger. Once you realized there were only three guards that were completely drunk and certainely wouldn't be able to do much, or anything for that matter. You wondered if that was what all the guards did every day.

You pushed the thought in the back of your mind and moved ahead, entering through a back door that was left unattended, probably in favor of booze. Ignoring the moans of pain of some of the prisoners, you walked ahead until you eventually reached Levi's cell...and that's when you tried your best not to be seen or heard by that monster.

Both of you were equal in skills but he still had more experience than you. You found him staring at the ceiling, eyes empty and his face drained of any emotion. It would have been better if he was asleep but at this point you really didn't care anymore. You stopped for a moment as you heard heavy footsteps approaching, you hid in the shadows and watched as a tall, muscular man came towards Levi's cell. He was covered in blood and sweat, you frowned, well that explains the moans of pain.

- Would you look at the all mighty, Levi Ackerman, once humanities strongest warrior, now a rat rotting in this prison cell. And all because of an ungratefully bitch.

At the insult, Levi's eyes were filled with rage, you weren't sure if he was mad about the insult meant for him or for you, though. His death glare almost made your heart stop...  even now, he was as terryfying as ever.

- Says a worm that can't do anything other than brag and insult from the other side of a door.

The man, clearly was not the wisest or the smartest in this prison, he kept bragging and insulting, only to be enraged by Levi's remarks and ironic mannerisms. Eventually, the tormentor of this prison opened the door to face Levi, only to end up in the floor, with his neck broken. 

That's when you made your move, leaping forward, bringing a knife out of your left sleeve. Unfortunately Levi took notice and used the dead man's body as a shield. He turned to glare at you, only for his eyes to widen as he realized that it was you.

- (Name)?

You huffed and using the weight of the corpse, you raised yourself in the air, your arm holding the body down as you jumped behind Levi, bringing a second knife that managed to scratch his left shoulder. He moved back, taking the fist knife you had used and then turned to face you.

- Damn you!

At the clear hatred in your voice, Levi's shock turned into sorrow. He knew he had lost you, yet he refused to admit defeat. He loved you and the children the two of you shared, never before had he felt that much love for anyone, not even for his old comrades. So why? Why was it so hard for you to understand how much he loved you?!

- (Name), do you really want me dead?

Instead of answering you threw a smoke bomb on him, moving around him as fast as you could before finally stabbing him with every single knife you had on you while moving around to make sure he couldn't get a hold of you. You heard him growl, at that moment, you grabbed the dead man and threw him outside, running out as fast as you could, before throwing a small bomb inside the cell, you locked the door and went outside as fast as you could before you heard the explosion. You hid and watched as the guards ran over to see what had happened, you stayed and waited until they brought out Levi... either he was uncounscious or finally he was dead... he he was bleeding a lot and had burns all over his body, you decided to approach as the guards went to check the remaining prisoners... and then you noticed that he was still breathing.

- What the hell will it take for this monster to die?! You hissed darkly, despite having no more knifes or even a needle to stab him, you went right beside him and brought a small bottle of poison, you quite literally forced it down his throat and then left. That thing would give him a high fever, however it would wear off after two days... but given his burns and how much he was bleeding, there wasn't really any chance of his surviving this... and if he did, you'd pay him another visit while he was recovering and then finish the job.

As you returned back to your daughters, you saw Mikasa reading a book while watching over them. When she saw you, she got up and immediately gave you a hug.

- How did it go? Did you do it?

- He was still breathing but I stabbed with every knife I had on me, then threw a bomb and finally poisoned him... if he survives this, then he either has the Devil or God watching over him. 

Mikasa nodded, you went ahead and took a shower, trying desperately to relax and you prayed, begged whatever power was up in the heavens to end Levi's life so thaty you move on with yours. Once you got out of the shower, you were relieved to see the girls were still sleeping, you got on the bed silently and layed next to them, gradually given yourself over to the comfort of a good rest.

You did what you had to do... and now, all you had to do was wait. And hopefully, Levi Ackerman would no longer haunt your life anymore.


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