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Through the trees and bushes, as fast as you could... you were using your gear to move towards the castle, you were going to tell everything to Erwin. Sure he would have trouble keeping Levi in line... but you too were a very strong ally and loosing you would also be trouble. And there was also another discovery you recently made... one that was going to upset your mother.

   Meanwhile Mikasa and everyone else were waiting patiently, they kept their eyes open for any move suspicious or not. Suddenly a they heard someone landing on the ground and they all turned to see you looking restless and pale. They came close to you and Mikasa looked into your eyes that still held the same iron determination and the coolness of ice in them. She smiled and hugged you, leaving a sigh of relief.

- It's good to have you back, (Name). Eren said and you nodded. You looked at Jean who had a deep frown, you could guess what he was wondering.

- It was Levi, he took me to a house thats down by the river, I was kept there and he pretty much unleashed his lust. I set the house on fire after I escaped. You said and Mikasa's embrace became a bit too tight, you slowly stepped back and looked at them, your gaze fell to an individual behind them, it was Erwin.

- Sir. You said and greeted him accordingly, even now you were going to show respect despite having a few complains in mind. 

- It's good to have you back. If what you said about Levi is true though...

- I assure you it's true. A new voice said and every looked behind Erwin. Hanji was looking at you with a serious expression.

- So you knew of this? Erwin asked and she sighed.

- I had my suspicions, Levi had been staring at (Name) during training and I assure you it wasn't due to her skills alone. Also I noticed his fits of jealousy, besides I'm sure you noticed how calm and relaxed he was when we had that meeting where we discussed about her sudden disappearance. It was as if he didn't care about the theme and he seemed to know something that we did not.

- Then I have no choice but to confront and punish him for what he has done. 

- And then what Erwin? Someone said and you didn't even have to look, it was your mother who spoke.

- I can't imprison him, he's humanities strongest soldier. He said and your mother was enraged.

- And my daughter has proved to be equal to him. She can replace him just fine. She said and you decided it was about time you told everyone.

- I cannot fight. You said and everyone looked at you confused, your mother looked at you for a moment before realizing it.

- Impossible!!! How?!

- Do you really want me to explain how? You asked and she hissed.

- Why did you allow it? She asked and you sighed.

- Because I needed an opening. Otherwise I wouldn't be here now and he wouldn't have left one way or another. You said and Eren finally decided to speak.

- What are you talking about?

- I'm going to become a mother. You said and everyone gasped in shock. Erwin himself was looking at you with disbelief.

- You what?! Mikasa said and you looked at her before touching your stomach.

-  figured it out when Levi left today, I began vomiting and felt horrible. He had been feeding me well and after all the time he spent satisfying his sexual desires... it was easy to guess. You replied and she was still pretty upset.

- You have to get rid of them. Your mother said and you gave her a stern glare.

- Mother, do you realize how stupid that was? You asked her and she seemed shocked by yor reply, she remained silent but understood your way of thinking. A child born from two extremely strong people would be extremely strong, not mention smart and capable of surpassing it's parents. You were a good soldier and Levi was too, a child from the two of you would be strong regardless from whom he'd inherit his strength and persona. 

- I do, I'm sorry my child. It seems that even though I have grown older, I haven't become smarter. It's a good thing that you took that from your father. She said and you felt some sort of satisfaction when you heard that. 

- So what are you going to do then? Armin asked and you looked at them all.

- I'm going to remain hidden, here. 

- Here?! The all said in surprise and you looked at Erwin.

- If I remember correctly there are a few rooms that are not being used due to renovations.

- Yes but they are underground, you don't mean you wish to spent nine months in there. He said and you nodded.

- I'll not go right away, the first three months I'll stay at my home with my mother, after that I'll come here to spend the remaining six months.

- Are you insane? Why do you even want to hide? Eren asked you.

- Because of Levi, if he finds out about this then I am going to have to protect myself and the baby from him while also fighting Titans. It would be best to go through all this now and be calm after my child is born, thus ensuring my family's legacy. You said and your mother nodded with agreement. In your mind you thought that this was too easy, Levi had been fooled because of his obsession with you and his overwhelming passion and now your mother had been fooled due to her obsession with fame and her thrist for glory. In the end that word was the key that helped you manipulate two figures who believed they were the puppetmaster in all this. But now the truth was clear to you, people like them could easily be controled because of their own uncontrollable, obsession.

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