Deal with the devil Pt. 1

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Things had taken a very strange turn, all of a sudden Ere, Mikasa and Armin were following you everywhere and were doing everything to befriend you, something that was annoying Levi and was making thinfs inconvinient for you. The rumours about you being the one to murder Violet had led you to the court but due to the lack of evidence and the baseless accusations you were set free. Much to your surprise, Levi had been the one to defend you the most along with the troublesome trio that was currently with you. 

- Come on, (Name)!!! Eren said and hit your back gently, you didn't even flinch you just ignored him and went on. Suddenly someone stood before you holding an envelope, you looked at it closely and noticed it was from your mother, what gave her away was the colour of the envelope, pitch black... like a raven's feather. You took and thanked the guard in the most unfriendly tone he had ever heard. 

- Who is it from? Mikasa asked, she still couldn't forget about what you wrote in that letter and later on from hundrends more that you entursted to her to deliver to the post office... what had especially picked her interest was that last sentence you always wrote at the end of every letter "I will do my best not to fail you". Mikasa was feeling compassion for you all of a sudden,  it was as if your entire life was slowly playing like a movie before her, your training and cruel treatment, the complete and utter destruction of anything you ever showed interest by your mother, her desire to monopolize you from society and turn you into a killing machine... Mikasa was starting to understand why you were so disconected from your heart and from your emotions in general. 

 Levi was starting to loose patience, not only were you showing less interest in him but the sudden intrusion of Eren and his friends was making him feel uneasy, neither Eren nor Armin were as ugly as other cadets were, they were somewhere in the middle and he was beginning to fear that they might unlock what he couldn't, your heart and love. His only hope was to make a move during today's training session. He moved closer to you and looked at you sternly, he had to look cold even when he wanted to hug and kiss you. All four of you greeted him but his eyes were glued on your emotionless expression

- (Name), are you ready for our training session? He asked and you nodded.

- Yes, sir. You replied and he nodded as you moved ahead with him following you. Eren, Mikasa and Armin were about to follow when they were stopped by an enraged glare from Levi. He made it clear that he didn't want anyone else besides you. The three of them stayed behind while you and Levi went to an open space where you began training, this time the whole process lasted four hours with the both of you going full force at each other and still stand your ground as you fought.

- You've improved a lot (Name). Levi said catching your attention.

 Thank you, sir. You said blankly and Levi smiled a little.

- You can call me Levi.

- I'm sorry, sir. That I cannot do, you are my superior and I need to show respect. You said and even though you clearly showed your uninterest in him he seemed to like that tone of admiration that was barely heard as you spoke.

- There is no need for formalities, you have been training with me for a very long time, besides when if you ever do take the title of Corporal will you still call me sir? 

- IF that happens, I will change my tone, until then you are my corporal and I am a cadet. These facts cannot be ultered until I go out and fight Titans, proving my strength and abilities to everyone else. You replied and he uncounciously touched your cheek, his fingers running along your smooth skin, your eyes remaining calm and distant as they always were. Levi came closer, his eyes looking deeply into yours.

- Do you promise me that, cadet (Name) (Surname)? He asked with a smile and you raised and eyebrow. You didn't understand his sudden interest but you knew that you could benefit yourself from that...Levi seemed to like you a lot and you knew that this could be used on your benefit.

- I promise. You said and he chuckled as his face neared yours, your lips were united in a very strange kiss both passionate and gentle from his side while you were still and replied with a bored and cold manner to his burning desire. Levi thought of it as incredible, to have you right here, to kiss you while you didn't seem to favor him and somehow feel satisfied.

- Then I guess the two of us have a deal. He said before leaving. You looked at his back before returning to your room, you placed the letter on your desk before you took a shower. When you came out, Mikasa was looking at the envelope sent to you. You recalled that she was never there when you received previous answers from your mother.

 You can open it if you want. You said and she looked at you surprised.

- You don't care? She asked confused, you rolled your eyes and opened the letter as she came closer and began reading as well.

My beloved (Name).

I am happy to see that you are doing as I have instructed you, though I can't say I'm really satisfied, the real test of power will come once you face a Titan. Remember your training and make sure that you kill them all if necessary, as for Levi Ackerman... don't let him approach you any further. There is something about his behavior that makes me believe he's the one who killed that cadet, I don't want you dead, if you actually get yourself killed without having a reputation worthy of the training you went through and the time I spent raising you, know that you will have no mother to mourn you or burry your body.


Your mother.

- Well she's a bit too late. You said and Mikasa looked at you confused, your mother told you to stay away from Levi... and you have already made a deal with him... you might as well call him the devil if he really is the one that killed Violet... which also meant that the one being fooled was you.

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