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The colors of the sky began to slowly fade away from a pinkish and orange color to purple and dark blue as night began taking over at last. You had decided not to eat tonight, you wished to avoid everyone and everything for now. You had sent another letter to your mother explaining that you actually felt both longing and pleasure, that alerted her and she said that she would as Erwin to give you a small break so that you would get back to your normal state. This time however someone had already read the letter and was preparing something for you. You knew that this someone was Levi, he had been distant and very secretive but you once saw him carrying chains and locks during the night, fortunately he didn't see you but now that you knew he was up to something you had asked Erwin to leave tomorrow. He was suprised, to say the least but knew better than defying a person who was as strong as Levi. And so he decided to allow it and even gave you a few more days to be with your mother. What an irony, he had seen your little theater yet he was willing to give you more time together, perhaps he wasn't as foolish as he seemed. As you looked down you saw a shilouette moving around slowly, you backed away and hid, you saw the individual come towards the entrance and the light revealed Captain Levi's face, you were now suspicious, he was way too late... the past few nights he was never out up to this time of hour.  You decided to leave now, you would leave a letter behind explaining that you left just as the sun rised. Erwin wouldn't really mind since you'd write everything. You left for your room immidietaly, you saw Eren and Jean on the way but didn't give them even a second glance, you were more or less interested in the letter alone. As you opened the door you froze in place, Levi was on your bed and was staring at you with longing.

"Wonderfull... how do I send him away"?

- Captain, this isn't your room... at least that's what I knew until a few minutes ago. You replied coldly and Levi's smile fell.

- True, still we are couple, so this is nothing weird. He said as he slowly stood up. You looked behind him and saw a rope and a needle, probably he intented to knock you out, tie you up and be on his merry way.

- Care to explain what are these doing here? You asked and pointed at the objects. Levi glanced back and looked at you again, this time his gaze was clouded and you could clearly sense his lust.

- I thought about trying something different... just to test how much power your feeling have right now. He said and pulled you close to a feverish kiss, he backed away and grabbed the needle, you looked at it suspiciously and caught both of his arms.

- What is that? You asked and he sighed.

- An aphrodisiac of some sort. He said and you looked at him for a moment, searching for anything that would betray his true intentions, you saw nothing.

- Why did you bring that thing here?

- I told you test how much your emotions have right now. He said and managed to free himself as the he inserted the afrodisiac in your system before you could react. Gradually your body became hot... you could feel your sense turn numb and your legs began to shake slightly, you took a deep breath as you looked at him... he seemed impressed that you were still able to use self control but this wasn't the only sample he had, he brought out a second needle and injected you with a second dose of the afrodisiac. Your eyes widen as you know sensed yourself getting excited... that thing was now affecting you, Levi noticed that and kissed you again, this time he was demanding, passionate and aggressive... and you actually replied with a greater lust. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you, his embrace relaxed as his hands wandered your body, you didn't seem to care and so he began undressing the both of you. His eyes fell on your naked body and he admired it once again, almost unconciously you brought your arm on his chest and felt his heart, it was beating fast and loudly. Your touch made him close his eyes, this might had been the first time for you to touch him like this. Your hands cupped his face and brought it closer as you kissed him again, the both of you fell on the bed and Levi spent no time in marking every part of your body but this time you too left a mark on his neck, Levi was enjoying that bold and territorial side of you was arousing. 

- Levi. You said in a deep husky voice near his ear, he shivered and didn't hesitate to pentrate you, he didn't wait for you to adjust but got straight to the point. His moves were violent, quick and seemed endless. The bed beneath creaked every time he thrusted and you were actually moaning, they were low but he could hear them clearly, he suspected that a third sample would actually make you moan louder but didn't want to push it.  The rope next to the two of you was a security measure if you actually tried to kick him while you were under the influence of the afrodisiac. He wasn't sure how you'd really react but that wasn't going to stop him. As he felt himself near he looked at you. You were blushing and suddenly left a loud moan as you finally reached your limit with Levi joining shortly afterwards.

- So I guess your resistance isn't that good with it. He said and you looked at him before taking a deep breath you moved away and looked at your desk, the effects of the drug began to wear off already and so you could think clearly.

- Captain, I think you should leave now, Mikasa might come any moment now. You said and he looked at you, he felt rejected and you could feel anger boiling deep inside him. You pecked his lips and nodded, he sighed and got dressed before leaving in a hurry, as for you... well, after a good bath and after getting rid of both the needles and the rope you wrote down everything and waited for Mikasa to come before informing her about everything, including your suspicions about Levi. Mikasa was strong and so she wouldn't easily be manipulated by Levi, or at least that's what you hoped.

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