Ace of hearts.

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Two days after that little incident with Drake you had been enjoying your time with your daughters, Erwin had sent Levi on an expediction and he would return in two weeks, after that you'd have to go with your squad and two more. Eren had been excited since this would also be a test to see how well he could control his titan form after weeks of training. At the same time Mikasa was expecting the lab results regarding the whole " sent Levi to hell" plan. This time once Levi returned he's come face to face with an unpleasant surprise, as for your mother... she had fallen ill, the doctor who saw her said she had been affected by her old wound back when she still fought titans, apparently she had stopped taking some sort of medicine who's sole purpose was to make sure that the blood run across her body smoothly and that her body's defense would work normally... you wanted to say you were sad but that would be a lie considering your relationship with her. 

- So... is she going to die? Mikasa asked and you shook your head.

- Not if she takes the medicine she used to take and the new one the doctor gave her. You said as you brushed Kuchel's hair. The twins were playing with a few dolls after they had a warm bath, they were a bit sad that their father was not around, something you weren't fond of since you wanted to get rid of him for good. 

- (Name), won't you go and see her? Sasha asked and you shook your head in denial.

- No, I have decided to appear only in her funeral... because I am certain she will not take the medicine. She always believed that you can surpass any illness with willpower alone... she said medicine was something only someone weak would take.

- Jeez, she's either a real snob or just too sure about her own strength. Mikasa said and you snorted.

- She's both. But unfortunately I managed to become more human than her... although I wonder...

- What? Sasha asked.

- If my mother dies.... what will Drake do? So far he had her support on the matter of marrying me...

- You think he'll give up? Mikasa asked.

 I can't be sure. He hasn't been sending any silly gifts nor has he asked to see me again which makes me believe he already has.

- Can I ask you something? Sasha said as she took a bite out of a loaf of bread, you didn't bother asking where she got that and just sighed.

- Go ahead.

- Would you marry Drake just to escape Levi AND your mom?

- Tough question as I am now wondering about the future of my daughters... I need a stable environment and I want everything for them... I might perish one day on the battlefield and I don't want them to suffer because of my decisions... but considering we're talking about my bully I can't say I imagine a life of happiness with him... so I guess no.

- You guess? Mikasa repeated and after finishing your daughter's hair you stood up and looked at your hands.

- I can't say I've ever thought about romance... all my life I was trained to be a soldier and even when I was told that I'd eventually become a mother I was still trained to act more like a commander than a mother. And now with all this drama going on, romance is the last thing in my mind.

- Well, I understand that but a marriage doesn't need to be out of love... he said he loves you... if he can prove it then that's all you need to be free of Levi. A voice said and you turned to see who spoke, it was Annie. 

- I will be free of Levi when he is freed from his body. You said in a low tone and she simply hummed.

- Perhaps what you need is to become an Ice Queen again for the sake of your daughters.

- You mean marrying the rich guy despite feeling no attraction for him whatsoever? Mikasa aksed annoyed.

- Yes. Annie said and you sighed.

- Maybe you're right Annie... it's not about what what I feel but about what I want... and I want everything for my daughters...

- Then I guess you really plan on trying to get together with Drake? Mikasa asked and you shook your head.

- Drake isn't the right choice... his older brother is.

- He has an older brother? Sasha asked with her mouth stuffed with bread... seriously, when did she get those?

- Yes... we used to hang out... well, mostly he came and told me his problems while I was training alone. He did confess his love for me a day before I joined the army. I never did answer him... 

- But what if he's moved on? Mikasa asked. And not even a minute after she finished her sentence, a cadet came in and said a noble wanted to talk to you.

- This might be your big chance now that Levi's gone. Annie said and you called the twins to tag along, they were excited since they liked going to Erwin's office and mess with his stuff. When you entered you were surprised to see Drake's father, lord Kain.

- Okayyy... this got weird. You said and he chuckled.

- Indeed miss (Name). It seems you have both my sons at your feet. Drake and Adam had been fighting over you ever since the day this idea was proposed.

- I didn't know Adam was still interested in me.

- You're all he ever talks about... and now that you have two daughters he is getting more amxious about that answer you owe him.

- My daughters have nothing to do with what I decide. You said and looked over to see Erwin trying to keep his hair on his head as the twins pulled and messed it up. 

- Perhaps you'd like to attend a dinner party at our house and have a chat about this matter?

- As long as you add a kids menu. You said already planning to get yourself a potential husband, a key to escape Levi and a chance to ensure a better future for your daughters.

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