One more (True Ending)

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You stood under a tree watching your daughters play around along with your friends, you were keeping a mild expression and... well, rightfully so.

Levi survived... but with the life he had now, he might end his life on his own.

The poison paralyzed him from the waist down, his face having severe scars as well as his body. He could no longer see from one eye and he was still in prison.

You had destroyed him.

Him being alive was no longer an issue, the doctors had made it clear that he would never walk again. The damage had been far too great for even a monster such as himself.

Still, he never gave up. Even now he said that he forgave you and that he loved you. Saying that only with him, would you truly ever be happy.

As for your life with your husband and his family, things couldn't be better, with a baby on the way and with your friends around to support you, how could you not be pleased?

As for your career, you became Levi's replacement as humanity's strongest soldier. Your squad became known as the "Reapers", it was a stupid title but it made clear to others just how well, you all worked and got along.

From your side of the family you had gone no contact. There was no way in hell that you'd allow any of them into your life. Your mother had tried over and over to mend things over, proclaiming that she was indeed guilty but that she had only done it out of concern for you future... out of fear of people taking advantage of you.

You never spoke or saw her... not until you received news of her death.

On her death bed she cursed you, calling you ungratefull and a leech that sucked all of her years of hard work and effort. 

Needless to say you did not go to her funeral. That woman never thought of you as her daughter, she only ever saw you as a tool, a weapon. 

" Mama!!!" 

You turned your attention to your daughters, they were running over to you scared... you stood up immediately and jumped over to their side. It took you one second to see Kenny.

"Well, well, nice to meet you again." He said and you scoffed, bringing out a blade and pointing it at him.

"I care neither what you have to say nor what you think. Leave or face the same fate as Levi." You said, tone icy cold. 

Your friends stood behind you, shielding the twins.

"I am not here for trouble, an attack wouldn't work anyway."

"Deplomacy won't work either so, you might as well turn around and die somewhere I can't see your face."

Kenny chuckled and threw something at you. You caught it and saw that it was a note. 

"Levi asked me to pass it to you. He said that he'd like one final visit before he gives in and dissapears."

You threw the note in the air and sliced it.


Kenny smirked, then turned around and left. 

You knew what Levi had written, you knew what he meant and what he wanted. He didn't want freedom if he could not be with you, he didn't want life if you were not in it.

He loved you, you knew that.

But you also knew that you would never be able to forgive him.

"(Name)? What will you do?" Mikasa asked and you sighed. You turned to your daughters and smiled.

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