Madness unleased.

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News of Levi's arrest spread quickly, rumours about his cold blooded attacks made many tremble... they didn't know the reason but given what they had seen, they suspected it was because of you. 

Female cadets were green with envy, saying how wrong and unfair it was for you to receive such a form of dedication from the man that was one of the hottest topics in their daily lives. Males were also scared but for different reasons, some of them had insulted you behind your back, some had made suggestive comments about you... and they didn't know if Levi knew it.

As for you... you were simply enjoying the fact that Levi was behind bars, with no way to escape and soon, you'd have his head. Aside from that, you had been paying A LOT of attention to your husband,telling him that you wanted a baby and well... fullfilling your role as his wife, well some of them.

- I can't believe we actually did it. Mikasa said and you chuckled, well, none had expected things to turn as they did.

- We prepared for so long... we were carefull and made sure that no one suspected a thing, now we are rewarded for our hard work. You said and Mikasa smiled.

- By the way... I... plan on telling Eren... 

You turned and looked at her, your brain took a moment to catch on but when you got the meaning you smiled and said with fake despairation.

- Finally! The day of salvation will come.

She raised an eyebrow and looked at you with a small smirk. The two of you were literally the best of friends, it was really surprising, thinking back to how you used to be.

- That was hillarious but I am being serious here. 

- Okay, I just wasn't expecting you to do it now. Honestly, I suspected you'd do it after Eren had gone through at least one relationship.

- The more I think about it, the more I don't want to wait.

- Sooo... when you say you'll tell him, you mean today or...

- In two days, is that okay?

- How should I know? I've never confessed my love to anyone before. 

Mikasa nodded, she really had forgotten that when it came down to relationships... you two were as knowledgable as Bertha and Kutchel. Suddenly, a cadet came and told you that Levi wanted to talk to you.

- Are you going? She asked and you smirked.

- I might as well say goodbye, right?

With those words you followed the cadet as he brought you to Levi's cell, he was sitting down, staring at the ground, his hair falling ahead and covering his face. The cadet called out to him, still showing some weird kind of respect... even when behind bars Levi was still feared. When he looked ahead, his eyes fell on you, staring right into your eyes. You asked to be left alone and everyone, even the ones that guarded this place left, not wanting to see this fight.

- You really did something like this?

- I warned you a long time ago, Levi. I told you not to provoke me... but you insisted in your ridiculous idea of a romance, isolating me and trying to turn me into a doll.

- I never tried to turn you into anything! He said, standing up and coming closer to you. You didn't move from your spot, instead you kept a steady glare as the man before you revealed the rage he had been holding back up to this point, punching the wall and the bars of his door, kicking the ground and cursing at the wind. His eyes weren't really seeing you anymore, he was in his own world right now and you wondered what was the point of staying and listening to him.

- Pathetic.

At that word he turned and looked at you, the disgust on your face hurt more than a million swords, he couldn't stand the look in your eyes... not when he knew that it was directed to him.

- Don't look at me like that, (Name). We both know that if you weren't being such a brat, everything would have been perfect.

- Me? So you think that the way I reacted to all the crazy nonsense you did, was the problem that led us here?! Are you THAT delusional!?

- (Name) you were the one that originally agreed to start a relationship with me. And when things were turning out as they should, you were also the one who decided that you wanted to go and ask help from that lunatic you call mother.

- My mother might have thought I'd be a killing machine and earn glory but at least she didn't try to lock me up in a house in the middle of a forest. You said, your voice cold as ice.

- Yeah, she tried to brainwash you and I tried to stop that. And what do I get in return?

- It doesn't matter anymore, you're going to pay for every crime you commited. Either you'll be executed or stay in this prison cell for the rest of your life.

- Do you really think that this place can keep me containted? No, my love, it can't. And when I do get out, I am going to take what belongs to me, wether you agree or not. 

- Only if you're alive until then. You hissed and with that you left, ignoring Levi as he kept screaming about how he'd take what was his and show you the error of your ways. He was determined to succeed... and so were you.

Reaching your room, you found the twins listening as Eren kept telling them about how the destroyed the Titans a few days ago, Bertha seemed terrified while Kutchel seemed excited as Eren kept talking. You decided not to interrupt and so you decided to stay in a corner and listen to your friends overdramatic story, however a thought kept you from paying complete attention to them... and that was the danger Adam and his family would be in, should Levi escape before you end his life.

You took a deep breath and kept telling yourself that everything was alright... Levi was locked away, waiting for a trial... a trial that would never take place, the decision had been taken long ago that you would kill him. Tomorrow, you would do it... you'd kill Levi and make sure that he no longer perster you or your daughters, that rat would die at your hands and then... then you'd focus on your family. That was your new plan... that was what you wanted.

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