I know things about your family

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Matt's: POV

I was talking to the headmaster about Adam. "Violence is not allowed at school." he said. "Bullying isn't allowed either." I replied. "I know things about your family." said Jim. I stood up and walked out of the office.

I happened to walk into Luke and he dropped his folder. "God, I'm so sorry." I said. "No harm done." he replied. I gave him his folder back and he smiled. "You're Matt right, Adam's dad." said Luke. "That's me." I replied with a smile on my face. "I'm Luke Fitz, his English teacher." he said. "He has talked so much about you, you're his favorite teacher." I replied and he nodded.

"Would you like to come over for dinner someday?" I asked. "I'd love to." said Luke. "Here's my address." I replied and gave him a note. "Thank you." he said. "You're welcome." I replied.


Adam's: POV

"I've invited Luke for dinner tomorrow." said dad. I choked on my juice and coughed. "Why?" I asked. "He's an nice man I want to get to know him better." said Matt.

"I think he's busy tomorrow." I replied which was not true. "I understand if it's a bit embarrassing to have a teacher at dinner." said dad. He's also my boyfriend. I thought. "No, it's not embarrassing." I said and he smiled. "It'll be fun." he replied and I just nodded. "I can't wait to meet him." said Emma.

"I need some air." I replied and walked out. I breathed in the cool fresh spring air. Tomorrow will be a disater. Then I noticed someone was looking at me. I saw a figure in a hoddie. I blinkded and the person was gone and I hurried back home.

Matt likes Luke a bit. I wonder who the person was?

I hope you liked the chapter


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