Happy Birthday Adam

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Adam's: POV


January 29th 2012: Rosewood

"Time to wake up Adam." said dad. "Five more minutes." I replied sleepy. "It's your birthday today." he said. "I'm awake." I replied. "Happy Birthday Adam." replied Emma and hugged me. "Happy 10th Birthday Adam." said papa.

"Thanks guys." I said with a smile on my face. "Let's go down and open presents." replied dad excited. Emma took my hand and lead me to the kitchen. A wonderful breakfast was on the table and a delicious cake.

"Oh, you shouldn't have." I said and let out a soft sigh. "It's your special day today and I want to celebrate it." he said. "Thank you dad and papa." I replied. "You're welcome." said Richard. I got a makeup kit, a drawing from Emma, jewelry, clothes, video games and a cd with Queen.


"Thank you for an amazing day." I said. "You're so welcome." he replied. "I feel so lucky, I've a wonderful family." I said. "You deserve so much love and happiness." replied dad. "Yes you do." said papa. "I love you so much." I replied and hugged them.

-End of the flashback-

Happy Birthday Adam. I hope you've an amazing day❤️

I hope you liked the chapter.


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