You stay away from my family

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Helen's: POV

I was in my office and looked through some papers. The door opened and in came Amanda.

"We got a report about a man who hold two people hostage." she said. "Thank you Amanda, Fin you're coming with me." I replied. I grapped my gun and left the building. We drove to the house and walked in. Luke came out and I directed my gun at him.

"Who the hell are you, get out of my house." he said coldly. I shot him in the arm and leg tackled him onto the floor. I put handcuffs on him. "You're under arrest for abuse and kidnapping. You stay the hell away from my family, I won't let you hurt Adam ever again." I said. "He deserve it." replied Luke. I gave him a slap. "I hope you rot in jail." I said coldly. Fin took him and Felix out to the police car. I ran upstairs and broke the door.

My grandchildren were lying on the floor in a pool of blood. I picked up my phone and called an ambulance. They arrived a few minutes later and took them to the hospital. I called Matt and told him what had happened.


They woke up at the hospital a few days later. I hugged them and we cried. Eleanor and Rosalie hugged them as well.

"You should've seen Helen, she was so badass." said Fin. "My tough wife." replied Fin and kissed my cheek. "Stop, you make blush." I said and laughed. "We're proud of you." replied Eva. "Thank you." I said.

"It's finally over Adam, he can't hurt you anymore." replied Matt. He hugged him and cried. "You're safe now sweetie." he said. "I love you dad." replied Adam. "I love you, Emma and Eleanor too." said Matt.

Don't mess with Helen

I hope you liked the chapter


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