How could you do this to me

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Adam's: POV

"Alex." I said happily and hugged him. "I've missed you so much." he replied. "Hey Alex." said Robin. "Hey Robin." he replied. "Where've you been all these years?" I asked. "I don't remember, my memory is kinda blurry." he said. "I'm glad you're okay." I repiled and he smiled.

"Alex?" I asked. "Yes, Adam." he said. "I have something I want to tell you, but you have to promise to never tell anyone." I replied. "I promise." he said. "Do you swear on your life?" I asked. "I swear on my life." said Alex. I took a deep breath and told him everything.

"You did the right thing taking a break, I don't trust Luke for some reason." he said. "I think he's A." I replied. I was about to show him the text messages, but I couldn't find my phone. "Oh no, no no no." I said panicked. "What is it dad?" asked Robin. "I forgot my phone at home." I said. "You have to find it, before Matt does it." replied Alex. "I gotta go, bye." I said and ran fast out of the mall.


I ran into my room and saw my phone lying on my bedside table. I let out a sigh of relief. I was about to send a text to Alex when dad came in. I'll never forget the look in his eyes, I knew I was in trouble.

"How could you do this to me?" he asked, I heard the disappointment in his voice. "I can explain." I said. "Isn't it enough that Richard fell in love with his student." replied Matt. "I didn't know Luke was my teacher when I first met him." I said. "But when you found out, you continued to be together with him." he replied.

"I'm so sorry dad, I didn't mean to hurt you." I said. "You're seventeen Adam, you are still underage." repiled Matt. "We're not together anymore." I said. "I can't believe you've had sex with him, you disgust me." he replied. "I'm sorry." I said. "You're grounded for the rest of your life." replied Matt and walked out of my room.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I can't stay here anymore. I packed my backpack and sneaked out of the window. I picked up my phone and called a person I haven't seen in year.

"Hello." said a man. "Hey papa, it's Adam." I replied. "Adam, it's so good to hear your voice." he said. "Can I live with you and Felix, I need to get away from home a bit." I replied. "Sure you can, I'm picking you up now." he said. "Thanks papa." I replied. "No problem." said Richard. "See you soon." I replied and hung up.

I want to give Adam a hug

I hope you liked the chapter


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