The party

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Matt's: POV

I came to a glade and lights shone in pink and green. Loud music was heard from the radio.

Jaxon was sitting in a chair with open shirt. He blew out smoke and drank from a bottle. Men gave him flirty looks.


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"Matt, darling, you came." he said. "You're high." I said. "The party is not the same without you." replied Jaxon. "I don't say no to a party." I said and he smirked. I opened a bottle and drank. I lit a blunt and blew out smoke.

"I saw you at the strip club, do you do private shows too?" asked his friend. "Yes." I said. "Nice." he replied with a smirk on his face. "Let the party started. said Jaxon. "Hell yeah." replied Justin.

We did drugs and drank alcohol. I have never felt so free in a long time. I love my new life so much. I slammed my boyfriend against the tree and kissed him passionately. He took me to a tent and we made out.


Fred's: POV

Matt came home very late and I met him in the hallway. He was high and drunk. "Did you had fun?" I asked. "Not now." he said tired. "You're sinking of sex and alcohol." I replied. "I'll take a shower." said Matt.

"Jaxon is not good for you." I replied. "He's my boyfriend and he makes me happy. He's the only one who's kind to me." said Matt. "He's using you." I replied. "He'd never hurt me." he said. "We're worried about you, we want to help you." I replied. "I'm fine." he said.

"No Matt, you're not fine." I replied. "I'm an adult, you can't control my life. Just because he works at a stripclub, doesn't mean he's bad." he yelled. "Matt, please." I begged. "Good night dad." he said and went to his room.

I ship Matt with Jaxon

I hope you liked the chapter


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