I thought you hated me and never wanted to see me again

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Adam's: POV

"Do you want go to the playground?" I asked and Lily nodded. There were a lot of people when we got there and I picked her up in my arms. "Look, the strange girl is here." said a boy. "Shame on Sam." replied his mom strictly.

I put her in the sandbox and I sat next to her. She built a sand castle that she proudly showed up. I smiled softly and I love to see her happy. I saw a girl with long blonde hair and she was wearing pink glasses. She was looking at something.

"Hello Lily, I'm Luna." she replied. "I love your glasses." she said. "Aww, thank you sweetie, have you seen a flying rainbow dog around here?" asked Luna. "Yes." said Liz. "Yeah, me too." she replied. "I like you, you're so funny." said Lily. Luna smiled and gave her a hug.


I went to Luke's house and rang the doorbell. He opened the door and I had forgot how blue his eyes was. "What are you... he started, but my kiss cut him off. He answered the kiss and it felt great. "I'm so sorry I've been so mean and cold against you, I didn't mean it." said Luke. "It's alright and I have been mean too." I replied.

"I thought you hated me and never wanted to see me again." said Luke. "Why do we care about the rumors, baby?" I asked and he laughed. "I love you so much Luke Fitz and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I said. "I love you too Adam and I want to marry you." he said happily and we kissed again. We went to the bedroom and made out.


Robin's: POV

Me and Emma was watching a Disney movie. Our nephew and aunt bond has gotten so much better. "I'm worried about Adam and dad." said Emma. "I'm worried too." I replied. A tear were rolling dowm her cheek. "Don't cry honey." I said. "I just wish life could go back to normal." she replied. "Same." I said.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

Adam is back with Luke

I hope you liked the chapter


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