Chapter 25: Get in Bitches, We're Going Shopping

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Edit: In case you read this earlier sorry, I didn't realize if I had a draft in publishes where I first created in instead of publishing it in the order I have published it in.

Marinette's POV

Even after we told everyone everything, they still wanted to be friends. We were all still going out as planned. We had lied to them since the first time we meant, granted it wasn't that long ago, we still lied. Though Bakugo still doesn't trust us and didn't want to come even after we fessed up.

We all started walking in the same direction.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" I asked.

"Glad you asked!" Momo said with a gleeful sparkle in her eyes. "So I have narrowed it down to three things. The first is, of course, shopping!"

I noticed everyone got a certain look on their face that seemed to say, 'of course'. She seemed to have noticed this.

"What!? It's girls night out!" Everyone just remained silent and eventually she just shrugged it off and continued. "Then dinner at any place you choose... and last, I have teamed up with the boys and all of us are going to karaoke."

"That sounds fun!" I said. "One problem though, I don't have any money."

"Oh that's no problem, I'm going to pay for it all." Momo said.

"Oh no, I couldn't ask you to do that-"

"It's okay, I have the money." Momo interrupts.

"Don't try and argue with her, she really wants to do this for you." Uraraka says.

"Okay... so what are the boys doing?"

"So I made the plans." Kirishima says, "And it's basically the same thing as you guys except we're going to the arcade instead of shopping."

"Sounds like fun, so where are we going?"

"We are all going to the mall, that's where the shops and the arcade is." Deku says.

"Makes sense." I said.

We all continued to walk and make casual conversation until we got there. It was a normal mall, I don't really know what I was expecting but after a saw the school this was a bit... normal. We all walked in and went our separate ways.

"So where to go first?" I asked, "You guys are the ones who know the stores around here so..." I let my voice trail off.

"Depends on what you wanna buy first." Momo said.

"Well I only have the clothes the school has provided me, but I'm running low on some snacks. It seems ever since I merged with my kwami, I've had more of a sweet tooth... " I say starting to mumble a bit.

"Wow you and Deku sometimes seem to have a lot in common." Uraraka says with a giggle.

"Oh, sorry." I say being quiet really quickly. Then everyone laughs.

"So what it sounds like, is that we need to go to the clothes shop and a pastry shop." Momo says. She was clearly thinking of a plan of what to do.

"You know if you like sweets so much, you should visit Sato in his dorm. With his quirk he's constantly making something sweet." Tsu says.

"Huh. I'll keep that in mind." 

"Okay so I'm thinking we will go to several of the numerous clothing stores then we hit the bakery at the end of the night! But we shouldn't eat too much because, well you know, dinner and all that." Momo said.

"Sounds like a plan!" I say and everyone else shows their approval in one way or another, whether it's verbal or physical. We go into the first store we see. There are so many clothes, between all of us I think we tried on at least one of each item of clothing. In between all the clothes shopping Mina brought up a certain subject

"So, what's it like to live in another universe?"

"Oh- um..." the question threw me off guard. "I mean, it's not too different from what it's like here. There's no one running around with quirks, but other than that life seems the same."

"Okay, okay. Here's another question, what's your life like in this other universe?" Hagakure says, like it’s some kind of scandal. 

"Well..." I say trailing off trying to find the right words. What exactly do I say here? 'Just start with the basics' I heard Tikki say. I sigh.

"Well my parents run a bakery, and I go to school, and I'm a superhero, and a clothing designer-"

"Woah, really!?" Tsu interrupts. "You design clothes?"

"Well I design anything that you can wear. One time I made a derby hat that won a contest design. In fact the contest was being run by Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's father." Now that I think about it, both Adrien and Chat Noir are allergic to pigeon feathers. I mentally facepalm myself. Why didn't I connect the dots earlier? When you think about it it's kind of obvious... maybe I just didn't want to see it.

"So is Adrien's dad famous or something?" Momo said.

"Yeah, he's a famous clothing designer." That one got some 'shocked' and 'cool' reactions. "Ah, but it's getting better. Adrien is a model for his father." 

"Oh?" Mina said, "So he has a fan base?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Are you part of it?"

"Oh um... well... I wouldn't s-say t-t-that...." I got flustered and started to stutter. Everyone started to laugh, Mina was louder than the others. She was happy with the results.

"Don't worry she likes to do that, believe me I was on the other end of these teasing conversations on more than one occasion." Uraraka said. 

I calmed down some. "Okay."

"So tell us more about your earth." Jiro said.

"Oh um, okay!" I said. In the following conversation I told them about everything I could think of. My friends at school, my superhero team and about kwami's, the difference between Adrien and Chat, Hawkmoth, and my parents and the bakery. By the end of the clothes shopping I had three full bags of clothes and I think I told them my entire life's story. Dang these girls are good.

"Let's go to the bakeryeeeeeeee!" Mina yelled.

"We don't wanna eat too much though, we are going to dinner after this." Momo said.

"Okay mOm"

Momo just sighed at the statement and walked into the bakery.

When we walked in the smell of pastries reminded me of home, it made me want to be back there. To tell my parents I'm alright. I quickly shake off the feeling and focus on the warmth of the smell. I looked at all the choices and I wanted it all, I couldn't decide. I guess that feeling was evident on my face.

"Get whatever you want." Momo said. 

"I can't do that."

"Don't worry she likes spending the money." Tsu says without turning away from the treats.

"Uh, not true!"

All the girls looked at her like what she said was a lie. Momo laughs nervously. 

"Okay guys, if you say so." 

We exit the bakery and I have at least one of everything. I can't wait to eat this all! 'Same' Tikki said. 

"Before we eat, where are we putting all these bags?" I say, drawing attention to the fact that between all of us we probably have like twenty bags. "I don't think we should eat with all these bags."

"Oh, I didn't think about that. I guess I can make something to hold all our bags." Momo said. 

"So where are we going to eat?" Tsui asks.

"Well about that, I was thinking...."

Hey everyone, sorry its been so long for an update. Finding the time and motivation to to write was a tad hard for me. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you for the next one.

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