Chapter 24: The Truth

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Marinette's POV

Me and Adrien were running more behind then thought, apparently 'about four' meant twenty after. Or maybe it just took us that long to leave, possibly a combination of both. But we were running so much behind that we had to run. By the time we got to the dorms we were out of breath and almost everyone was waiting. Once we came into view and someone saw us, all the attention was on us.

"Hi guys!" said Mina, waving at us when she saw us. "You two ready?"

When we saw them I had slowed down a bit. We had made it on time. I walked up to everyone and fell on my knees in exhaustion. In between breaths I said, "I need.... I need to.... change."

"Oh," she said disappointingly. "Why? What's wrong with what you're wearing?"

I caught my breath enough to get out full sentences. "Well, nothing at the moment. But, one, I just ran all the way here in it and two, we're going to be out late, and it tends to get colder at night. So... yeah." I was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a pink tank top. Not exactly the warmest thing in the world, but it was in the box of clothes that was left outside my door this morning. I guess we couldn't have gone out in our school uniforms on the weekend... Or at all.

"Well that's understandable." Momo said, interrupting whatever Mina was about to say. I got up and walked to my room to get changed. I wore a pair of black leggings, white tee shirt, and a dark pink pullover tied around my waist. I went back downstairs and met with everyone again.

"Okay now I'm rea-"

"I DON'T WANNA GO!" Bakugo yells at Kirishima.

"Why not?" He is confused and like it's a big surprise.


Everyone was silent. All I thought was, that explains why he's been so cold. And I can't blame him either. 'Don't blame yourself' Tikki said, 'You have done everything you've possibly ever since you got here. You have done what you can with what you have.' Yeah I know, still, from his perspective he is right. I take a deep breath and say. 

"You know what, you're right." Everyone including Adrien and Bakugo were surprised at what I said. "You have every reason to be suspicious of us. Ever since we arrived we have been cryptic and dodgy, never giving a direct answer. But we have a reason for it."

"Marinette you don't hav-"

"I know I don't, but it has to be done. We can't keep it a secret forever." Me saying this grabbed everyone's attention even more, and Adrien went full Chat.

"You're one to talk about keeping secrets, purrincess," I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, that was a mutual thing!"

"Heh, no it wasn't"

"Anyway, me and Adrien are from another universe, another earth with a different history than this one. An Earth where there are no quirks and only a select few have superpowers."

This left everyone speechless for a moment. "Woah!" Hakagure said, finally breaking the silence, "That is SO cool!"

"Yeah, we're still a bit fuzzy on all the details of how we got here, but we are getting answers. In fact that's where we were earlier. We went to go see, somewhat of an expert on this subject. A research scientist by the name of Kadence Scarip." I said.

"Ooo '' Deku says, writing things down in a journal that seemed to come out of nowhere. In fact so did he, he wasn't here at the start of this conversation, and now he's all sweaty. I guess he was training.

"Heh heh, yeah." I say nervously, "The fact that we didn't tell you information like our quirks was because we didn't know them."

"Do you know them now?" Deku asked.

"Well, my quirk harnesses power from the sun, allowing me to expel energy blasts from my body. I also believe that I can use it to enhance my physical abilities in direct sunlight. Although they are already enhanced. His power is along the same lines, just instead of sunlight it's moonlight."

"Woah." Deku says.

"What do you mean that you already have enhanced abilities?" Iida asks.

"Well, you know how I mentioned earlier that only a select few have superpowers in our world."

"Oh my god, are you two some of those people?" Jiro says.

"Yeah, but powers don't work the same way they do here. People are given miraculouses, which are basically spirit infused accessories that grant you powers. When you're not using the powers of our kwami, they are their own entities. Each kwami and miraculous are based on an animal. Me and him are the yin and yang miraculous’. The ladybug and the cat, or, creation and destruction. Anyway the kwamis have their own powers and when we came to this world we kinda, in a way, fused with them gaining all but their specific power. Some of those powers included enhanced speed and strength."

"Oh wow!" Deku says, still writing down everything I'm saying.

"So yeah, now we're here and we are just trying to survive and principal Nezu offered us a place in the school, and we took it. Then he set us up with Katy, and now we're here telling you guys everything. I'm sorry for not telling you guys, but we are still both so confused about everything."

"Don't worry, I know I am speaking for most of us when I say that we forgive you. We understand why you felt you needed to keep this from us." Momo said.

"Well, now that we got all that cleared out of the way let's go have some fun!" Mina said enthusiastically.

Everyone seemed to agree, and our original plans of a fun night out seemed back on track.

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