Chapter 31: What Now?

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He was only seeing her as Ladybug, but then again- she was also wrong. Marinette was everything he had described and more. He was just too blind to see it before, but now, he feels he just screwed it all up.

Adrien's POV

As I stood there he considered the events and the conversation that just unfolded. I threw my head in my hands and dropped to the ground. I knew she was right about the not seeing past the mask. I knew that I only started seeing her as someone I was in love with when the two identities became one. But I guess- I don't know. I see it and I can't just live like this. I feel horrible that this is what and how it happened. Why did I do that? Just why?

After sitting there for a few moments I got up and collected myself. I shouldn't stay away for too long but at least I know my way back, and after a moment of trying to catch up, I realize that I was sitting there a bit longer than I thought. Everyone was gone. Though it really wasn't that far away and after a few minutes I was back at the dorm.

Most people were back socializing in the dorms, though I didn't see Marinette in with the crowd, probably for the best. After that rejection I just didn't feel like socializing, so I just headed straight to my room.

"Yo, Adrien, where'd ya go?" I heard Kirishima say from afar.

"Uuh, not feeling well, Imma just head up to my room and go to sleep"I say, barely turning back to him.

"Oh. Oh well man. Hope you feel better."

"Thanks, I should feel better with some sleep. See y'all tomorrow."

"Alright, goodnight man."

"Goodnight" I say as I begin my way up the stairs. After masking my pain for those few passing moments I felt exhausted. I just felt worse than how I was when I walked in. I just made my way up to my room and collapsed on my bed and just stared at the ceiling, replaying the past hour in my head over and over again.

Kid you gotta not take it to heart, you messed up man. Learn from it. You shouldn't dwell on it so much. I heard Plagg say.

"Wise words from a cheese obsessed cat"

Hey, I've been around a while, and have had many holders. I know it doesn't seem like it but I can, and have learned some human behaviors.

"Well, can you tell me what or where exactly I went wrong? Like- I know, but what, is there something I'm not seeing?"

Well, you see kid. You ignore the girl and her obvious feelings for years, granted you are just that blind stil,  bro. You didn't take the time. You just rushed in and didn't think it through. There's a reason you're not in love with both of them, and whether its blind adoration or the differences between them is something you have to take the time and figure out. You can't just gaslight yourself into having feelings for the girl. The fact that she's ladybug should be icing on the cake, not the reason you're in love with her. And I'm so happy she saw those facts in that moment and didn't entertain her or yours feelings. You two need to take the time and sort out your feelings. Get to know each other completely and decide from there what you want to do. At this point, you two are so not ready.

"Ugh, I don't know. That's oddly logical for you to say and now I'm confused." He buried his face into his pillow and almost screamed. "I'm confused and I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight Plagg"

Goodnight Adrien.

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