Chapter 30: The Things We Can't Take Back

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Nobody's POV

The entirety of class 1-A (except for Bakugou) had their fun and were heading back to the dorms. There was joking, laughing, playing- fun all around.

But there was one person who had something heavy on their mind. They have had it in there since the moment he found out who Marinette truly was. That's right, Adrien had his feelings about Ladybug- no, about Marinette on his mind for the past few days. For those days they have been bubbling beneath the surface and he just couldn't hold it in any longer. There he was, staring at her having the time of her life with her new friends. Just as he had seen her do with her friends back at home, but it was different this time. Now he knew and he saw her in a different light. He couldn't hold himself back anymore.

He tapped her on the shoulder, "Hey can we talk?"

"Um, yeah, sure," She says. As she responded he pulled her back out of the group. He looked around and saw that this was the perfect place to say this. The scenery here was beautiful, it kind of reminded me of Paris, and that made it perfect.

"So what did you want to talk about?" she says with the brightest smile I've seen on her in a while. I love that smile so much.

His body and his mouth moved faster than his mind. He grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes and proclaimed, "Marinette, I love you."

For a moment she was thrilled, finally after all this time he had said those three words she had been wanting to hear for so long. But that feeling was brief, passing quickly when she realized what had just happened.

"No... you don't" She said, breaking free from his hands. "You love the idea of me, you love Ladybug. You love the mask- not the person behind it." She said sternly, holding back her tears.

"That's not true." He said, his voice cracking with tears trying to take her hand. But she pulled back and stepped away.

"Yeah, then tell me what you love about me?" She said, crossing her arms.

"I love your bravery, your intelligence, you always have a plan for what to do. You're always so confident and witty. You are amazing Marinette."

She sighed in despair after hearing that. "That's not me who you just described, that's Ladybug." She said,


"No, there's nothing left to say." She says, taking a moment to collect her thoughts. "Adrien, you have no clue how long I've been waiting to hear you tell me that you love me. But when I imagined you saying it, it was to me, not Ladybug. You've always seen me as 'just a friend', you never saw me and you still don't. I'm so sorry but I... I can't..." Her voice trails off as she can no longer take it. She runs away, back towards the dorms leaving him alone with his thoughts.

He stood there silently crying, thinking about what just happened. After a moment he realized he agreed with what she said. He was only seeing her as Ladybug, but then again- she was also wrong. Marinette was everything he had described and more. He was just too blind to see it before, but now, he feels he just screwed it all up.

Hey guys! So I recently found out that this story made it onto a pirating website called Novel HD. I did some research and saw that I'm not the only one so I had a question. Should I do anything about it, or should I be flattered and move on with my life? I'm kind of conflicted because on one hand this story is already online, for free and its just a fan-fic. However on the other hand its my story and I would like to monitor the output of where it goes and I would like to know how people are reacting to it. Even if I wanted to do something about it, I would have no clue where to start. I need your help guys, what should I do... Also if you don't care, thanks for reading!

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