Chapter 3: Cat got your Tongue?

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Marinette POV:

"Who are you?" I look up at my captors eyes and they scare me. I am speechless. The longer we don't answer the tighter the cloth gets. We sat there speechless for a good minute. Then Chat finally speaks up.

"What M'lady, cat go your tongue?" He says noticing the fear on my face in hope's to lighten the mood. It didn't work.

"I'll repeat myself... who are you?" he says louder this time. I finally collect my thoughts and answer him.

"I'm Ladybug and this is Chat Noir." This grip of the cloth loosens but does not let go.

"And who exactly are they?"

I sit there and think for a minute. I don't know what to say. There are too many unknown variables to give him a good answer.

"We are the heroes of Paris." Chat said confidently. He was hiding it, but I could tell he was just as scared as I was.

"Never heard of you." He says staring at us the entire time, it's kinda creepy. But that was beyond the point... he has never heard of us? It's worse than I thought.

"You've never heard of us!?" I repeated back to him in a surprised tone.

"That's what I said." He said annoyed.

"What does this mean? What could possibly have happened to get us here? What is going on?" I realized I'm doing a mumble ramble out-loud. I look up and our interrogator is giving me an odd look. 'Oh my god' I think to myself, my Marinette side is starting to show.'

"M'lady, I don't think this is the time for that." Chat said. He's always wisecracking in the middle of fights; this was what told me for sure he too was scared. I thought he was before but now I know.

"Sorry Chat, I'm nervous and out of my element." Of course he knew that but, our conversation was interrupted when the man yelled, "Do you guys know how much trouble you're in?"

I turned to him and said, "We don't even know where we are." He stared at us a moment longer and let us go. He blinked a thousand times and his hair flowed like normal hair. He continued to blink when he pulled out eye drops and put them in his eyes. I guess his eyes got pretty dry because he never blinked once in that entire encounter. As he was doing this the gates behind him opened up.

Once he got himself situated he turned to us and said, "Come with me you two."

Then turned around and started to walk through the gates.

I didn't know what to do. "Um, sir, no offense but you surprised attacked us, tied us up and gave us the scariest interrogation of our lives. We don't even know your name and you expect us to follow you no questions asked?"

He stopped and turned around. "Yes, that is exactly what I expect you to do." He said while keeping a serious look. "You try to invade our school, which is my job to help defend, you claim to be heroes I've never heard of and I'm expected to just believe you?"

I inhale and hesitate to say, "Fair enough" I said, still processing what he said, "wait a minute! This place is a school!?"

"Yes, yes it is. By the way my name is Shota Aizawa. I'm a teacher here." He says. "Now are you two coming?" But this time instead of walking forward he was waiting for us to get in front.

"I think we should do it Bugaboo." Chat says

"It appears we don't have another choice." I say sighing. I move forward cautiously and we walk through the gate unsure of what was waiting for us on the other side.

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