Chapter 8: Suspicious

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Aizawas POV

I'm walking down the hallway to get to my class. I was running late because of the two guests. I didn't trust them then and I still don't know. But I'm about to walk into my classroom and explain how there will be two new students joining our class. 'How did this happen?' you may ask. Well...



"Marinette? "

"Adrien? "

So they do know each other.

"So you two know each other? " Nezu asks.

"Yes, " The girl, who's name I guess is Marinette, says. "We go to school together. " She sounds like she's about to tear up. Then she starts looking around like she's looking for something.

"Tikki?" She says after a moment of looking. It looked like when Marinette had said this the boy, whose name I guess is Adrien, started looking around too.

"Plagg? " He says. Now the two of them looked super worried they both got up but then suddenly stopped. Their faces no longer showed worry, they looked relieved like they relaxed and found what they were looking for. She turns to him and says,

"Did your kwami just tell you the same thing mine just told me? "

"Probably, " He says with a smirk.

"What's going on? " Nezu asks.

"Well according to our kwami's" She pauses and looks at us. We must have had a confused look on our face because then she said, "kwami are flying creatures that resemble the animal your miraculous represents. They can't get out of our miraculous', it's almost like they've merged with us. Now, they say, we have powers of our own and that they can sense them... But what they are is still a mystery."

"Oh I see, " Nezu says. "So where you come from, you have a miraculous instead of a quirk? "

"Yes but only a few chosen people are holders. " She says.

Nezu turns to me and talks just low enough so they can't hear. I have to kneel a little and get out of my attack position I've been in the whole time. I am ready for them to attack at any moment.

"I think we should do what we discussed earlier. " He says. I knew exactly what he was talking about. Earlier he told me depending on how this plays out we may have two new students.

"I still don't trust them. '' I told him. I don't know what but something feels off about these two. I say glancing at them. I don't know who I didn't trust more, the smart one or the wise cracking one that smirks a lot. I can't believe he made a pun the first time I captured him.

"Well I do, but even if I didn't we should keep an eye on them. " He says.

"Or we could just turn them in. " I suggest. He gives me an 'are you crazy!? ' look then says, "we could keep an eye on them ourselves, we are qualified to do that... Are we not, mister pro hero? " I roll my eyes signaling that I give up.

"So what class? " I say.

"Well... I was thinking... Maybe yours. "

I sigh, "that ol' do. " I guess now I can keep an eye on them.

He goes to his desk and pulls out a pen and some papers. He points to Marinette and says, "give me your full name. "

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng" She says. He writes her name down. He looks up and faces Adrien, "and you? " He pulls out another paper.

"Uhh Adrien Agreste sir. " He says. Huh he seems different from before.

"Since we don't know your quirks yet you leave that part of the paperwork blank." He said approaching the two with enrollment forms. He gives to the two of them.

They sit down to fill them out. They don't take very long at all. Once they are finished they give the papers back to them and he skims through them.

"Welcome you now officially go here. " He says with a welcoming smile.

"Uhh that's great and all, but where exactly is here? " She asks.

"Well U.A high, the greatest superhero school Japan has. " Nezu says.

Her eyes open huge, "Wait! What!? " She was practically screaming, "we're in Japan!? "

"Why yes, yes you are. " He says. "Now I'll help find you guys a uniform and Aizawa, "

"Yes, " I responded.

"Go tell your class the good news. " He says. Ugh what is he doing?


End Flashback

And that's how I got here.

I'm about to walk into my classroom when I overhear a conversation.

"Everyone sits down before Mr. Aizawa comes in. " Iida says.

"You're the only one standing!! " I hear Bakugo yell.

Ugh I feel like I've heard this one before. I sigh and then walk in.

"Hello class. " I say, instant silence. "Today I have a surprise for you." That sets the class talking but only for a split second.

"What is it?" Midoriya asks.

"Let me finish. " I scolded the class. "Anyway we have two new students. "

This sets the class off for longer this time. Through everything I hear a few questions here and there like, 'I wonder what they'll be like', and 'I wonder what their quirks are?' I sigh in disappointment when I hear what Mineta and Keminari say to each other. 'I wonder if they're some hot babes.' and other perverted teenage boy things, I kinda wish I didn't hear.

"Okay that's enough everyone. " I say trying to get my class under control, it works too. Once everyone was done Nezu walked in.

"They are ready. " He says.

"Well then bring them in. " I say. He leads the two of them in and they stand in front of the class. The class started to get riled up again but I quickly shut that down with a glare.

"Okay you two introduced yourselves. " Nezu says, presenting them.

"Hi, I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng. " She says with a warm and gentle smile.

"Hi I'm Adrien Agreste. " He says with a shy smile and a weak wave.

"Okay well, I think my work is done here. " Nezu says, walking out of the classroom. "Be good to those two. " He says as he walks out with a smirk. I think he knows something that I don't... But what is it? I'll find out. But for now I turn to the two and say,

"Find yourselves some empty seats. " They nod in compliance and sit down. Marinette sat next to Midoriya, that's so close to Mineta, I feel sorry for her. And Adrien sits next to Uraraka.

"Great, is everyone settled in? " I ask. They all nod. "Good now I'm going to sleep." I curl up in my sleeping bag and close my eyes. But I don't sleep. I watch carefully to see what the two new students will do next. As soon as I hit the ground to see everyone is either crowding around one or the other.

Okay now... I'm ready when you are... try anything.

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