Chapter 9: A Turn of Events

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Adrien POV:

Nezu takes us out of his office and leads us to a locker room. There he goes into a closet and hands us both uniforms that surprisingly fit us... He didn't even ask about our sizes.

"Now you two get changed, the uniforms are required." Nezu says walking out of the room. Wow he left a boy and a girl alone to change. "I'll be right outside!" He yells from outside.

I look at her and she's blushing... I guess she was thinking the same thing. She turns around and I do the same. We both start to get changed. I can't help but wonder what she looks like.

No Adrien you can't do that! I mentally yell.

"So umm Adrien?" She says. I automatically turn around without thinking. I see her with her shirt off, but she's still got a bra on. I immediately realized my mistake and turned right back around. I can feel my face heat up.

"Yes Marinette?"

"So, uh... Now that you know WHO's under the mask are you disappointed?" Wow not what I was expecting, I am resisting all temptation to turn around again.

"No, how could I be, your caring, sweet and the most thoughtful person I've ever met, you being her just makes you even greater." I was now finished getting dressed.

"I'm dressed when you're ready." I say.

"Well I'm ready too."

We both turn around, she's still got a bit of a blush. I escort her out of the locker room and we meet Nezu outside.

"No problems, I presume?"

"Nope none at all." Marinette says with a cute smile. Oh my God, how did I not notice it before? I feel so blind and stupid!

"Okay," Nezu says, putting his paws together, "this way." He leads.

We walk down a few halls and we get to a door. Above it, it says 1-A.

"Okay this is it." I listen in on the classroom for a split second and hear everyone quieting down. Nezu opens the door to let Aizawa know we're ready.

"Well bring them in." I hear from inside. This was fine. I was ready. Okay relax you're going into a class full of people with powers and you don't even know yours yet. Okay not helping I think.

We're walking, I shoved the through to the back of my mind. Me and her both introduced ourselves and sat down.

I'm disappointed I didn't get to sit next to Marinette but I'll take what I can get... we are, after all,in the same class and we know each other's identities.

"Great! Is everyone settled in?" I nod to indicate yes. "Good, I'm going to sleep." He curls up in a yellow sleeping bag that came out of nowhere. This is when the class crowds around me and Marinette.

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