Chapter 16: An Afterschool Questioning

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Marinette's POV

Adrien lost his fight. But by the looks of it he was starting to get a handle on the kwami's powers. After Adriens fights, Aizawa asks to see us after class. I wonder what this could be about.

So after all the fights, which actually helped me learn everyone's name, we met him outside the classroom. There was All Might, waiting for us.

"I got All Might to cover, you two come with me." Aizawa said, starting to walk in the other direction.

"Where are we going?" Adrien asked. But he got no answer. I don't think that even after all this time, he trusts us. But I knew the direction we were going in. It was the way to Nezu's office. Once we were there he knocked on the door and, of course, we were invited in. There he was, drinking his tea.

"Hello, are you two settling in well?" He asked in a comforting voice.

"Yes sir." Adrien said. I'm guessing he was getting more comfortable, he was a lot more talkative today.

"Good." He says with a smile. It was nice and gentle.

"Sorry to break up the whole, getting caught up thing-" Aizawa interrupted, "but I need to tell you something." He gives Nezu a really serious look and proceeds. "These to have gotten their quirks."

"Actually, I haven't." Adrien says.

"Then what were you doing during that fight against Bakugo?" He interrogated.

"Those are the powers of our kwami's that we both have." I said. This drew his attention towards me.

"And what did you do? That last blast during the fight, what was that!?"

"I don't know, I just got angry and it came out."

"What kind of answer is that?"

"The one I give when I don't have a clue what's going on!"

"Okay break it up." Nezu interrupts. That's when I realized we were both yelling at this point.

"Sorry." I say in immediate reply. He only smiles.

"Looks like she has discovered her quirk." Nezu says. Aizawa shoots us a look. I'm not sure what it means though, but it didn't look like anything good. "In time he will discover his, and, of course, we do have to figure out what exactly the quirk is, and what to name it."

"How are we supposed to know what the quirks are? Like the specifics. " I ask.

"We observe the quirk, some are more obvious than others."


"Anyway," Aizawa interrupts. "What should we do about this?"

"Well, for now, we will let them return to their dorms and classes as they were. I'll figure out the other stuff soon. " Nezu says in a tone that makes it seem like he was trying to get us out.

"Okay." Aizawa says in compliance. He then guides us out of his office and we return to the day as it was.

Nobody's POV

After Marinette, Adrien, and Aizawa leave Nezu returns to his desk. He looks down at it and sees what he was looking at just before the interruption. It was information about Marinette and Adrien that had been collected since they arrived. He closed the manilla folder it was in and sat down pulling out his phone. He dials a special number and puts it up to his ear.

"Hello?" Says the other voice on the other line. Nezu's answer was simple.

"It's time."

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