Chapter 10: Introductions and Settlings

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Marinette's POV

We're walking to our new classroom, but I was less focused on that and more on the fact that Adrien was Chat... all those times that I noticed slight similarities and put them in the back of my mind I should have... ugh!

We stop walking at a door with a sign above that says 1-A. I could hear it getting quieter in there.

Nezu walks in and says we're ready, he lets us in, we introduce ourselves and Aizawa asks us if we're settled in. I nod to let him know I am and he says, "Good, now I'm going to sleep."

He gets in a yellow sleeping bag and falls to the floor. Even before he hits the ground me and Adrien are surrounded with our new classmate's. I look around at all of them and notice that some of them look odd. I guess that's a part of the whole quirk thing. They all started talking at once and I couldn't distinguish one person's voice from another's. That's when a guy with engines coming out of his calves spoke louder than them all.

"They can't answer your questions if you bombard them with them all at once." This shuts everyone up.

"Thank you." I say. I look over to Adrien who looks overwhelmed.

"No problem," he says, "I'm Tenya Iida." He holds out his hand for me to shake. I accept his offer and shake back.

I look back to the main crowd and I see everyone. I take a deep breath, okay I'm ready now.

"Hello everyone, I'm Marinette, over there is Adrien, me and him will try and answer your questions the best we can but you have to take turns talking." I say. Everyone seems to understand.

I turn and look at a boy with green hair and I let him know he can talk.

"Hi I'm Midoriya, Where are you two from?"

"Me and him are from Paris."

"Why are you going here? I mean does that mean you two are powerful?" A kid with a black lighting thing in his hair says, "Oh and I'm Kaminari."

"Umm I'd like to think we're powerful." I said still not knowing what my quirk was.

"Cool, what's your Quirks?" A girl who looked like a frog said. Oh no, this is the question I was scared of. I look over at Adrien who looks just as nervous as I am.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." I told them. I didn't know how much longer I could hold on. If they ask the wrong question I don't know what I'll say. I didn't want people to know that we we're from a completely different place. I don't know them and we don't know enough of what happened to say anything. This was bad... I just wanted to... disappear.

"Hey, how come you don't show up on camera?" A kid with balls on his head said. Wait what? Since when do I not?

'Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I can't leave the earrings.' I heard a familiar voice say in my head. 'You know us kwami's can't show up on camera.' Oh that makes sense, wait, can you hear my thoughts? 'Yes I can... Our bond is even stronger than it was before. I feel that I'm not actually in your earrings but I'm more a part of you.' She said. Wow, that's weird. 'I know, it feels weird too.' I knew what she was saying, I could feel the difference too.

"Maybe it does have something to do with my quirk." I told him. Great, now I'm creating more questions. "Hey, were you gonna take a picture of me?" I asked, trying to get some attention off me. And it worked, in fact it looked like most of them got a bit mad. One girl, with what looked like earphone jack's as long earlobes, stuck him in the eye with it.

"Ow!" He exclaimed.

"Sorry... He's a bit of a perv." A girl with black spiky hair said. " By the way I'm Yaoyorozu and the one that just stuck Minetea in the eye is Jirō." I look over to Jirō and she waves a bit.

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