Chapter 22: Your Turn Now

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Adrien's POV

This is all so cool! I finally got out of the house to land myself in a sci-fi movie, but real! And the best part about this all is that I have my lady with me. However she's refusing to talk about our relationship until we get back, but I don't think I can wait until then. But now we've got powers and not only ones that we got from our kwamis. Like our very own quirks, and we're going to go test them out right now! We're going into Katy's backyard right now. This is going to be so fun. You know at first I was scared of everything, but now I know, here I can be free. Once we get outside I sit on the step and watch Marinette do her thing. 

First Katy asks her about what she was feeling the time she used her power on Deku. She described it and they decided to roll with that. Katy sat down next to me and we just kinda watched her for a moment. Katy then interrupted her and described the whole quirk thing. It sounded so nice the way she said it. I imagined flowing water as she was describing it. It sounded so beautiful, I wanted to be apart of it. But from the looks of it Marinette seemed to understand too. She then turned away from us and after a moment she relaxed.

"She's got it." Katy whispers to herself as Marinette starts to float. I couldn't see her face but it kinda looked like she was in a trance. It was odd and then two really bright, and fast beams came shooting out of her hands and she fell to the ground. I wanted to go help her up but Katy stopped me and walked toward her telling her what to do next pointing to where she needed to be. And she followed, she sat down and went for it. 

Katy then turns to me and says, "Okay blondie, your turn." It was at this moment I realized her change in demeanor. She went from being this kind person to a tough person who gives nicknames. 

"Yes ma'am" I say, getting right up.

"Now based on the theory I got running through my head your power isn't going to be as strong as hers right now." She says.

"What do you mean?"

"As I said you draw your power from the moon, so it's only rational that you would be more powerful at night time in the moonlight." She says. "Even so, you should still be able to use your quirk and still be pretty powerful, so I wanna see what you got. Keep in mind what I said to Marinette earlier though, or you won't get anywhere with this exercise."

"Yes ma'am!" I say walking out to where Marinette was. I try to focus on what she was saying earlier. But I don't feel it. 

'Come on dude! How do you not feel it? You felt it when you woke up in the nurse's office, how is this any different.' Plagg says. I don't know, and what do you mean how can I not? You can? 'Of course I can, I'm the one who's in here. Just trying to feel it again, look for that same feeling. That's all you gotta do.'

Okay okay, I've got it. 

I try to feel it, looking for that familiar feeling, I was about to give up but then I felt it. It was there, and it was incredible. Before I knew it, I felt it surround my whole body and shoot out from there. I open my eyes and turn around to see Katy in shock.

After a moment of just standing there she says, "Dang boy, looks like you're a natural too. And it appears you two have the same type of power, just different sources of power. But something tells me there's more to both your powers then you realize at the moment. I want you to do what she's doing and mediate. I find it helps understand it all."

She was looking for a place to put me when her daughter, Gen, came out.

"Hi honey, what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, I finished my sandwich and decided to watch from the window."

"Oh really? How long were you there?"

"I saw him make a wave of energy from his whole body." She says pointing to me.

"Sweetie, it's not nice to point."

"No, it's fine." I said walking up to the girl. "Hi my name is Adrien and that girl over there sitting is Marinette." I say kneeling down and extending a hand for her to shake. She accepted my offer.

"Hello my name is Gen."

"Yes I know, your mom has said it a few times." I whisper to her.

"Anyway Gen," Katy interrupts, "You should go inside, you don't want to disturb their training, do you?"

"No mommy." She says running back inside.

"Anyway back to where we were." She says pointing to a spot on the opposite side of the yard, to where Marinette was sitting. I sat down and I knew what to do. Focus on the energy that I had found.

It took me a minute but once I did I felt it all throughout my body. In my hands and in my feet. It felt so strong it made me wonder, what will this be like at night time?

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