Chapter 18: The Plans We Make

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Marinette's POV

"Hello children." Nezu says waving us in.

"Um, why are we here?" Adrien says.

"Yes well, you see. Here, as you know we have the greatest hero course in Japan and you are currently attending our hero course and our students get several chances to work with the pros. Most of the students got to have internships after the sports festival. So I figured, as U.A students, you two should get the same chances as they do. So I set you two up with a scientist, her name is Kadence Scairp, and a close friend of mine. I think you could learn a thing or two from her." He said as he gave us a file.

We both looked in the file and it gave us and it was her information. Her name, her quirk, her occupation and other fun facts that we may need to know, you know... the basics.

"Okay, while I do understand, why her and why now?" I asked.

"All in good time." He said in the most mysterious way. I couldn't help but wonder, but he wasn't going to answer. So I guess I'm just going to have to wait.

"So when do we meet her?" I asked

"We planned for her to meet you two tomorrow around noon at her house. I know it's your guys first Saturday in our world, but I really think you two can benefit from this visit." He said. I mean I get it, and I don't really care about the fact that it's a Saturday but to go in practically blind.... I don't know...

'You should go, Marinette, I trust him.' Tikki said. Okay, still- 'Just go with my instincts on this one please.' Yeah... sure....

"Okay we'll do it." I answered for both of us. Adrien gave me an are you sure look, but then stopped after a moment. He decided to trust me.

"Okay children," Nezu said, interrupting our silent conversation, "you both have a big day tomorrow and I don't want to keep you." He said while practically pushing us out the door. "Go back to your dorms and get some good night's sleep." He said shutting the door in our faces, not even giving us time to ask anymore questions. Well I guess that was the point, he wants the whole mysterious factor to wow us tomorrow. But he was right about the whole getting back to the dorms part. It is getting late. I turn and start to walk that way and Adrien follows.

"So what do you think tomorrow will be like?" Adrien asks.

"I don't know.... I guess we'll find out when we get there." I told him, unsure of myself. We walked the rest of the way in silence, I guess we were both trapped in our own thoughts. Or he saw that I was trapped in mine and he had decided to keep his mouth shut. I was thinking about how this person would be able to help us. I still had the file that Nezu gave us, so I looked at that as we walked.

So she is Kadence Scairp and she is a scientist, mother of one, and has a quirk called waterfall. How could she be able to help? 'Maybe she's done research on it, or maybe she'll help you figure out your quirks' Tikki said. Yeah maybe that's it, that does make sense. Oh well, guess we'll figure it out tomorrow. I thought as we approached the dorms. When we walked inside there was a warm welcome, everyone was in the lounge area congregating, well except for a few faces. There was one person who I was surprised who wasn't there though.

"Hi everyone we're back." Adrien announces as we walk in.

"Oh hey guys, welcome back." Kirashima says to us.

"So what were you guys called to the principal's office for?" Denki asks, in a tone that suggests we did something wrong. Then he looks done and notices the manila folders in our hands. "Oooh, what are those?" He asks, pointing to them.

"Oh, it's just some information Nezu wanted us to have, it's nothing too bad." I said, trying to seem like we weren't hiding anything.

"Yeah, would you mind your own business!" Jiro said walking to the front of the crowd. She approached me and said, "So, tomorrow's Saturday, and it's your first one here in Japan. We- and by 'we' I mean the girls of class 1-A would like you invite you to a girls day out to show you the town." She said. I look behind her and see Ochaco and Yoayorozu looking somewhat excited to hear my answer. But before I got the chance-

"Yeah that's a good idea!" Kirashima says, wrapping his arm around Adrien. "Hey Adrien what do you say to a guys day out?"

Me and Adrien look at each other and then I turn back to Jiro. "Well you see..." I pause and laugh nervously. "Me and Adrien have plans for the afternoon, but if the offer is for the whole day, why not a girl... night... out?" I say hesitantly. 

"Yeah, what she said." Adrien said, gesturing at me. There was a sudden silence that fell over the room, until...

"Oh my god!" Ochaco says, "That's even better!" She says excitedly.

"Yeah! You're right." Jiro said. Now everyone was excited for the big plans tomorrow.

"I'm going to start making our schedule right now." Yoayorozu said walking up to her room. 

"Oh hey." I said. "I noticed when I walked in, where's Deku?"

"Oh he's outside training." Ochaco said. 

"Wow, this late?"

"Yeah, he does that alot." she said.

"Well with it being this late I guess it's time I should be going to bed. So many things to do tomorrow." I said heading towards my room. I got a bunch of different goodnights and I headed off to bed. I got in bed, and closed my eyes awaiting the day that tomorrow will bring.

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