Chapter 6: The Explanations Are Strong

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Marinette's POV

"Quirks?" I asked super confused

"You know... Your powers?" Aizawa says from behind Nezu.

"Well he has a cataclysm," I say pointing to him. I think he got the point of me telling them his power. "She's got a Lucky Charm. " He says pointing to me.

"What exactly does that mean? Aizawa says.

"Well I can create something that is useful to the situation and he destroys anything that he touches. " I explained to them. They seemed to get it. I think they wanted to make sure it was correct so they asked again.

"So you," Nezu says pointing at chat, "have a.... how do you say it again? " And before I got a chance to respond he said, "cataclysm", and this activated his power. I couldn't help but facepalm.

He didn't know what to do with it so I pointed to the couch and he destroyed just that.

" My couch!" Nezu says. I sigh.

"Don't worry I can fix it. " I said, sounding drained of emotion. "Lucky Charm! " A spray bottle full of water materialized and I knew just what to do with it. I point it towards chat and spray him a couple times. "Five minutes! " I remind him then I stop. I throw the bottle up in the air, "miraculous ladybug! " and his couch is returned to normal.

I look up and see that they look surprised. "Our powers are supposed to contradict each other. " I tell them. Both of our miraculous' beeps.

"Okay, children, great demonstration of your powers." Nezu says. "How long have you two been working together? " I look at chat then I look back...

"Since the beginning of our superhero journey. " I said. Chat nodded in agreement.

"So where do you perform your hero duties? " Nezu asked.

"In Paris." Chat says.

"Do you have a hero license? " Aizawa asks.

"A what? " I say.

"You know, the license that permits you to fight criminals and perform other hero duties. Aizawa says.

"I've never heard of such a thing." I say.

Our miraculous' beep again.

"How? " Nezu says.

"Well many things we have been talking about, like terms and now licenses you guys use, we are unfamiliar with." I say. " I don't think we're protecting the same thing. "

"Okay then tell me what you protect. " Nezu says. He directs me and chat to sit down and so we do. He sits down in the chair across and Aizawa still stands. He seems ready for us to attack.

" Well you see... " I pause to see if chat approves of me telling our story. He nods and says, "you have the floor bugaboo. " I look back at nezu. Our miraculous' beep again. I breathe in and I spill.

"Well you see there's this guy named Hawkmoth, and he uses the bad emotions people have to get inside their head and transform them. Me a Chat noir fights these, what we call, akumatized people and return them to normal. The reason he akumatizes people is to get our miraculous'. My earrings and his ring. We were just finished fighting one of these people when the sky started to shine super bright and not because of the sun. It was in the middle of the night. We were prepared for the fight but then me and him woke up outside of this, I guess you called it, a school. " I finished. It wasn't a very long explanation but I'm sure he got the jist.

"You are right. " Nezu says after a moment of silence. "We don't protect the same thing. "

Our miraculous' beep again, we were about to transform back.

"It's a little hard to explain but me and him are about to lose our costumes. " I say in a worried tone.

"Oh right you guys don't know each other's identities. " Nezu says.

We both nod at the same time.

"But we may as well find out right now. " Chat says. I roll my eyes but before I can say anything he continues, " Just hear me out this time bugaboo, we don't know where we are or how long we'll be here. If we transform back now and reveal to each other then that will save everyone time and energy. "

I think about it and he has a point, but I can't do it! Too many things could go wrong.

"He has a point," Nezu says.

"I know! But it's too dangerous! " I say.

"There is no danger here, in fact it would probably be safer for you two. " Nezu says.

I turn to chat and see an excited look on his face. I know our time is almost up and I give in. "Fine! " I say, throwing my hands up in the air. "Let's do this. "

"Here you can have my spot so you're facing each other. " Nezu says get up. I get in his seat.

"Chat, close your eyes. " I say. He does, so do I. "Okay on the count of three, open your eyes. Tikki spots off. "

"Plagg claws in."

"One... " My heart is pounding.

"Two... " My thoughts are racing.

I take a deep breath in.

"Three... " I open my eyes.

"Marinette? " I heard him say.

"Adrien??? "

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